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Definition of vulgarism

If we go to the dictionary developed by the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) to find out what the idea of ​​vulgarism refers to, we will find that the term refers to the expressions that the common people usually use. This notion (vulgo), for its part, is linked to ordinary people, who do not have resources or knowledge […]

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Definition of narrative voice

To understand what narrative voice is, we must understand what the concept of narration refers to. A narrative is the process and result of telling something: in this way, it can be a story or a novel, for example. He who, in the story in question, recounts the events that unfold, […]

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Definition of active voice

The concept of active voice appears in the field of grammar and is linked to a way of conjugating verbs. Also known as direct voice, the active voice refers to an agent subject that executes an action. In the case of the passive voice, on the other hand, the action is suffered by the subject […]

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Definition of vox populi

Vox populi, or vox pópuli according to its Castilianization, is an expression of the Latin language that can be translated as “voice of the people.” The speech is used with reference to what everyone knows and repeats. Something that is vox populi, therefore, is known by all people. Generalizations, of course, […]

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Definition of voseo

Voseo is the act and consequence of voseo. This verb, for its part, refers to addressing an interlocutor by treating them as “vos”, instead of “tú” or “usted”. Voseo, therefore, is a phenomenon that is part of the Spanish language and that consists of the use of “vos” as a pronoun, giving […]

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Definition of vowel

Vowel is a term that, in our language, can be used as a noun and as an adjective. The etymology of the word takes us to the Latin language, more precisely to the word vocalis. If we focus on its use as a noun, we can affirm that vowel is a type of letter that is pronounced with the cavities located above […]

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Definition of vocative

Vocative is a notion that is used in the field of grammar to refer to the case used for the invocation or identification of an individual. Before continuing, it is important to determine the etymological origin of the term. In this case we have to say that it comes from the Latin vocativus, which can be translated as "relating to […]

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Definition of word

It is important that we know the etymological origin of the word word. In this sense, we can say that it comes from Latin, specifically vocabulum, which is the result of the sum of two components: -The verb vocare, which can be translated as "call." -The suffix -bulum, which is used in an instrumental sense. What is a word Vocabulary […]

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Definition of vivacious

Vivacious is an adjective that can refer to someone or something that has energy, vigor or strength. The term has origins in the Latin word vivax. For example: “The mother, exhausted, sat on the bench while her lively daughter continued running and jumping”, “After a month in the hospital, the writer was seen […]

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Definition of vituperation

Vituperium is a term that derives from the Latin vituperĭum. According to the first meaning of the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE), a vituperation is an insult, an insult or an infamy that is pronounced against a person. For example: “After the president's words, it didn't take long for the vituperations to be heard throughout the […]

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