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Definition of abocar

Abocar is a verb that refers to pouring into a container what is contained in another, according to the first meaning mentioned by the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE). Since to ensure that the contents of one container pass into another, it is necessary to tilt the first one once […]

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Definition of soften

Soften is a verb that refers to the action of making something soft (flabby, flabby, lax or soft). For example: “To soften meat, it is best to beat it with dough or boil it for an hour”, “The new mattress is a little hard, but I know it will soften with […]

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Definition of abjure

Abjure is a verb that refers to renouncing, revoking, annulling or renouncing a thought, a creed or a faith that was previously defended or professed. The term comes from the Latin word abiurāre. The subject who renounces or renounces his religion is classified as a renegade by the faithful of the belief he has abandoned. […]

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Definition of variegated

Variegated is an adjective that derives from abigarrar, a verb that refers to combining colors in an incorrect way or to piling up heterogeneous elements without coherence. Something variegated, therefore, exhibits different tones without combination or brings together multiple unequal things. For example: “The actor's motley wardrobe surprised the press”, “I was struck by […]

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Definition of ablative

Ablative is a concept that is used in the field of grammar and is linked to the construction of sentences. It is called ablative, it is a grammatical case that allows us to indicate different circumstances through the use of prepositions. It should be noted that a grammatical case is the attribution of a morphosyntactic type mark […]

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Definition of encompass

In order to understand the meaning of the term encompass, the first thing we are going to do is determine its etymological origin. And in this case we can state that it comes from the Vulgar Latin word “abbrachicare”, which can be translated as “embrace” and which, in turn, derives from the word “brachium”, which is equivalent to “arm”. However, that […]

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Definition of below

Below is a very frequently used adverb in our language. The term can refer to someone or something that is located in an inferior place with respect to another thing or individual. For example: “The pink shirt is stored in the bottom drawer, not in that one”, “My grandmother lives in the apartment […]

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Definition of a posteriori

A posteriori is a Latin expression that can be translated as “from the later.” It is an adverbial phrase that refers to what is known after analyzing or reviewing a matter or that refers to a demonstration that is carried out by moving from the effect to the cause. The usual thing is that […]

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Definition of yeism

Yeism is a mode of pronunciation characteristic of several regions that consists of pronouncing the LL (“elle”) in the same way as the Y (“ye”). In this way, yeism leads to saying “cabayo” instead of “horse” and “zapayo” instead of “zapallo”, to cite two examples. Yeism can be defined as an alteration […]

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Definition of passive voice

The passive voice is a type of grammatical voice. This idea (grammatical voice), meanwhile, is the category of grammar that is associated with the verb and that refers to the semantic link it maintains with the object and the subject. According to the grammatical voice, the subject is patient or agent depending on whether he receives or […]

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