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Definition of acronym

An acronym is a type of acronym whose pronunciation is done in the same way as a word. Acronyms, on the other hand, are the terms that are made up of the first letters of the concepts that form an expression. An example of an acronym is radar. The origin of this notion is in the acronym that […]

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Definition of diacritic accent

An accent is called the articulation of the voice that makes it possible to highlight, through pronunciation, a syllable of a word. This distinction between syllables can be achieved through the use of a higher tone or greater intensity. It is possible to differentiate between different types of accent. On this occasion we […]

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Definition of emphatic accent

Accent, which comes from the Latin accentus, is the articulation of the voice that allows a syllable of a word to be highlighted through pronunciation. The distinction is achieved by using a higher pitch or greater intensity. There are different types of accent, such as prosodic accent or musical accent. In […]

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Definition of clarification

Clarification is the act and consequence of clarifying. This verb refers to making something less dark, whether in a physical or symbolic sense. Clarification provides clarity or sharpness. For example: “The footballer's clarification did not satisfy the club's leaders”, “I think the governor owes the people a clarification”, […]

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Definition of prosodic accent

The prosodic accent is the relief that is made in the pronunciation. When this relief is indicated in the writing of words through the accent (an oblique line that descends from the right to the left), we speak of orthographic accent. It should be noted that accent is a term that can be used to […]

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Definition of happen

Acaecer is a verb that is used with reference to happening or occurring. The etymological journey of the concept begins with the word accidĕre, which became accadĕre and then accadiscĕre. For example: “That speech by the president was a preview of everything that was going to happen in the country”, “Scientists are trying to discover […]

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Definition of abrupt

The Latin term abruptus, derived from the verb abrumpĕre (which can be translated as “to break”), came to Spanish as abrupt. This Latin term can be translated as “rough” or “rough” and is considered to be the result of the sum of two clearly differentiated components: -The prefix ab-, which can be used to indicate separation. -The adjective ruptus, which […]

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Definition of overwhelmed

Overwhelmed is a concept that derives from overwhelm. This verb refers to weighing down, distressing or depressing. The subject who is overwhelmed, therefore, feels overwhelmed, exhausted or oppressed. For example: “I am overwhelmed with so many problems, I would urgently need a vacation”, “Overwhelmed, the Minister of Economy presented his resignation”, “I don't like that my […]

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Definition of abhor

The first thing we have to do in order to establish the meaning of the term abhor is to discover its etymological origin. In this sense, we can determine that it derives from Latin, specifically, from the word abhorrescere, which is the result of the sum of several components: -The prefix ab-, which is used to indicate distance. -The verb horrere, […]

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Definition of dent

Denting is an action that consists of causing the collapse of a certain surface through pressure or blows. For example: “I will lend you my car, but drive carefully: if you dent it, you will be in big trouble”, “After denting the door with a blow, the singer left the hotel furious”, […]

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