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Definition of affix

An affix is ​​a linguistic sequence that modifies the meaning of a concept. It can be a prefix (an affix that is placed in front of the term to be modified), a suffix (it is placed at the end of the term) or an infix (it is introduced in the middle of the word). Before moving forward it is important to analyze the […]

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Definition of adduct

Adduce is a verb that refers to showing or giving justifications or evidence about something. The term comes from the Latin word adducĕre. For example: “They say that the coach is going to give personal reasons to resign from the team”, “The government could claim that the debt is illegitimate in order not to make the payments that correspond to it”, “All of you […]

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Definition of on purpose

On purpose is an adverb that is used to indicate that an action was carried out intentionally; that is, it was done on purpose. The term in our language comes from the Catalan adret, in turn derived from the Latin expression ad directum. For example: “Investigators believe that the offender caused the crash […]

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Definition of attachment

Attached is a concept that can be used as an adjective or as a noun. The term in our language comes from adiungĕre (“add”), in turn derived from adiunctus. The first meaning mentioned by the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) refers to that which is linked to something else. From this idea, […]

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Definition of goodbye

Goodbye is a term that derives from the expression “to God.” The concept is used as a greeting, when one person says goodbye to another. For example: “Goodbye, mom, I'll be back at dinner time”, “Are you leaving now, Carlos? Bye bye! May you do very well”, “Give me a second, I forgot to say goodbye […]

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Definition of eyesore

Adephesio is a term whose etymology takes us to the Latin phrase ad Ephesĭos, which can be translated as “to the Ephesians” or “belonging to the Ephesians.” This was the name of a people from ancient times who used to boast and boast about their achievements. He went to such a point in this sense that, on numerous occasions, […]

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Definition of forward

Forward is a term that, as an adverb, can be used in different ways. The concept refers to what is beyond. For example: “As we move forward the road is in worse condition: I don't think we can continue further”, “I think I know the woman who is eating at the table in front”, “In […]

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Definition of addendum

Addendum is a term that derives from addenda, a Latin word that refers to that which must be added. The notion of addendum, in this way, refers to the appendix of a book or any other addition made to a text. The addendum is intended to develop or expand the contents […]

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Definition of adequacy

Adequacy is a term whose etymological root is found in the Latin word adaequatĭo. It is about the act and consequence of adapting: adapting, adjusting or fixing something so that it fits something else. The concept of adequacy is used in different contexts. In the field of communication, the idea of ​​adequacy refers […]

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Definition of coin

Acuñar is a verb that can come from a coin or a wedge. The action usually refers to making a coin, medallion, medal or other metal piece. For example: “The government is analyzing minting a special coin to commemorate the anniversary of independence.” This meaning of the notion is associated with the impression or […]

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