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Definition of worn

The dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) recognizes the term ajado as an adjective and as a noun. In the first case, the concept refers to that which has garlic. Garlic, for its part, is a plant whose bulbs, with an intense flavor and aroma, are used as a condiment in various gastronomic preparations. This definition tells us […]

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Definition of delve

Delve is a verb that refers to making something deeper (that is, having greater depth or being lower than the environment). The notion can be used in a physical or symbolic sense. For example: “Quickly, we have to deepen the trenches before the enemy arrives!”, “The son of the […]

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Definition of determination

Endeavor is the effort, solvency or high-intensity vigor that is applied to a certain action. The concept comes from the verb ahincar: to hurry, to do something with determination and efficiency. For example: “The governor-elect promised to work hard to satisfy the needs of the neighbors”, “I ask you to study the matter […]

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Definition of brave

Brave is an adjective that describes someone who is well prepared to participate in a battle. By extension, the term is used to describe the person who has experience in competitions or who shows a tendency to prevail in case of conflict. For example: «The brave Uruguayan defender was hired by a […]

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Definition of bittersweet

Bittersweet is an adjective used to describe the combination of sweet and sour. Sweet and sour flavors, therefore, mix these two characteristics. For example: “I'm going to order the chicken with sweet and sour sauce”, “Last night I had sweet and sour pork with carrot puree for dinner”, “I don't like sweet and sour dishes”. It should be noted that something sour […]

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Definition of acute

Acute is an adjective that has more than a dozen meanings, according to what can be seen in the dictionary prepared by the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE). The first of these meanings refers to that which has a point or edge. For example: “Reaching the top of said mountain is very difficult because of its […]

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Definition of pleasant

Pleasant is that or that which generates pleasure (satisfaction, pleasure, joy). This adjective can be used to describe objects, situations or even people. For example: “Thank you all for the welcome, it is very nice for me to be here”, “Have you tried the soy cake? It has a pleasant taste”, “Last night I met the neighbor who lives in the […]

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Definition of agglutinate

The Latin term agglutināre came to Spanish as agglutinar. This verb mentions the action of making different elements join together. For example: «To bring together the preparation the ideal is to use eggs», «I believe that my candidacy is the only one that will be able to bring together support from different sectors», «This city has the ability to bring together […]

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Definition of crouching

Crouching is a term that can come from the verb agazapar: to remain on the lookout, be on alert or wait to surprise someone. In this way, whoever is crouching is watching another subject and is prepared to act. For example: “Investigators believe that the murderer waited crouching for his victim, hidden among the […]

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Definition of apheresis

Apheresis is a term that comes from the Greek language and can be used in the field of grammar to refer to the elimination of a sound that appears at the beginning of a word. This process usually occurs with etymological development. The concept derives from the Greek word aphaeresis, which is fruit […]

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