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Definition of riot

Uproar comes from disturb, a verb that refers to the action of disturbing, disturbing, bothering, stunning or altering. A riot, therefore, can be a disorder, a riot or a revolt. For example: "The entry of a young man with a banner caused a commotion at the conference", "When the animal escaped from its cage, […]

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Definition of albricias

Albricias is the gift given to someone who announces good news or to someone who is the protagonist of some transcendent event. When analyzing the etymological root of the term, it can be seen that it derives from the Hispanic Arabic albúšra, which in turn comes from the classical Arabic bušrà. The most common use of the concept, however, […]

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Definition of joy

Happiness is joy, satisfaction or enjoyment of great intensity. According to the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE), the term comes from the Hispanic Arabic alburúz, in turn derived from the classical Arabic burūz (used to refer to the detention that the military carried out before an expedition). For example: […]

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Definition of dawn

The noun that concerns us now we have to establish that it has its etymological origin in Latin. Specifically, it derives from “albor”, which is synonymous with “whiteness”. The term dawn is used to name sapwood: absolute or ideal whiteness. By extension, the luminosity of dawn and the beginning of […]

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Definition of scream

A scream is a scream: a forced and vehement expression made with a very loud sound. Screams can be shrill vociferation that arises spontaneously due to great pain or sudden joy. For example: “When she heard the tragic news, the woman let out a scream”, “The scream of happiness […]

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Definition of boast

Show off is a verb that refers to making a show (pomp, ostentation). Whoever boasts, in this way, boasts about or about something. For example: “I don't want to brag, but the boss congratulated me on my project”, “Without bragging, the experienced forward reviewed his achievements and considered that he deserves a chance on the team”, “Can you stop bragging? After […]

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Definition of winged

Winged is an adjective that is used to describe someone who has wings. This term (wings), for its part, refers to the appendages that certain animals have to move through the air and to the parts of an aircraft that support its flight. Ala is a word of Latin origin that can be translated […]

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Definition of praise

Praise is the act of praising. This verb, for its part, refers to glorifying, exalting or celebrating through words. A praise, therefore, can be a phrase, a song or a speech with which one praises. For example: “I like meetings of praise to God that include music”, “The band […]

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Definition of fit

The first thing to do to know the meaning of the term adjustment is to discover its etymological origin. In this case, it must be indicated that it is a word that derives from Latin and that can be translated as “action and effect of accommodating.” It is the result of the sum of two clearly recognizable components: -The prefix […]

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Definition of alien

Alien is an adjective derived from the Latin word aliēnus which, in turn, comes from alĭus (a term that can be translated as “other”). The foreign is that which belongs to another individual or that results from characteristics different from one's own. For example: “When I was little, my mother taught me that I should never keep […]

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