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Definition of aupar

Aupar is a verb that comes from aúpa. This interjection is used, either literally or figuratively, to incite an individual to lift something or to get up. The action of aupar, therefore, consists of raising or elevating someone. In some regions, it is more common to use expressions such as […]

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Definition of omen

Omen is a concept that comes from the Latin word augurium. The term refers to a divinatory ritual that was developed by different ancient peoples based on the interpretation of signs. Certain meteorological phenomena and the flight and song of some birds were studied by diviners to develop omens. In order to […]

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Definition of chamaco

The term chamaco is used in several Latin American countries to refer to a boy or a young man. Chamacos, therefore, are adolescents or children. The scope of the concept is quite broad. A chamaco can be a 2-year-old child or an 18-year-old youth, to mention a few possibilities. […]

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Definition of authorship

Authorship is the property or condition of author. An author, in turn, is the creator or craftsman of something. Idea and development The authorship of a work, therefore, corresponds to the one who conceived and developed it. Let us take the case of the book “One Hundred Years of Solitude”: it is a novel […]

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Definition of chungo

The etymology of chungo takes us to Caló, a variety of the Romani language spoken by the Gypsy population of Portugal, France and Spain. In Caló, the word chungo refers to something ugly. Bad appearance or quality In our language, chungo is a term that can be used in colloquial language as an adjective or as a […]

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Definition of Spanish

The notion of Spanish finds its etymological antecedent in the Occitan espaignol, which in turn comes from the medieval Latin Hispaniolus. A Spaniard is referred to as someone or something that is originally from Spain. Someone born in Spain Those born in Spain, therefore, are Spanish. Spain is a parliamentary monarchy formed by seventeen […]

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Definition of tie up

Amarrar is a verb that means “to tie.” Although this is its most common meaning, it has more than a dozen meanings recognized by the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) in its dictionary. The term comes from the French word amarrer, which in turn is derived from the Dutch anmarren. To secure, hold or fix The action of […]

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Definition of both

Both is a concept that can be used as an indefinite adjective or an indefinite pronoun, always in the plural. The term is used when, considering a pair of elements, we refer to both: that is, to one and the other. Two of two As you can see, the idea of ​​both refers to two options or articles […]

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Definition of jitanjáfora

A jitanjáfora is a text that has no meaning, although it stands out for its aesthetic relevance through its sound. The term was created by the Cuban writer Mariano Brull in a poem from 1929, made up of many meaningless words. Years later, the Mexican Alfonso Reyes took up the word to name […]

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Definition of in extremis

The Latin phrase in extremis can be translated as “in the last moments”. The first meaning mentioned by the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) in its dictionary refers to the final moments of life. Some examples For example: “The man forgave his brother in extremis and left in peace”, “It is strange that he decided to buy […]

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