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Definition of apodictic

Apodictic is that which is valid or true in a demonstrable and unconditional way. The concept, which is used in the field of philosophy, came to our language from the Latin apodictĭcus, in turn derived from the Greek apodeiktikós. Regarding its etymology, it can be added that it is made up of the prefix apo- ("far away, outside, apart"), […]

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Definition of nickname

Nickname is a term that refers to the nickname given to an individual according to some physical characteristic or circumstance. There are nicknames that are affectionate expressions, while others seek to make a fool of the person or make fun of them. The most common nicknames are linked to body issues: Fat, Skinny, Black, […]

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Definition of apocope

Apocope is a term that comes from the Latin word apocŏpe, although its most distant etymological roots are found in the Greek language. The concept is used in phonetics with reference to the elimination of certain sounds at the end of a word. It is important to keep in mind that, according to the dictionary of the […]

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Definition of poise

Poise is a concept that comes from aplomb: achieving, in a symbolic sense, that something has great weight or another characteristic of lead (the heavy metal whose atomic number is 82). The term is usually used as a synonym for tranquility or calm. For example: «Despite the difficulty of the situation, the hospital director […]

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Definition of apex

The Latin term apex came to Spanish as apex. The first meaning mentioned in the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) refers to the tip, the vertex, the peak or the end of a thing. The concept is usually used in the field of botany to name the tip of a fruit or […]

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Definition of opening

The first thing we are going to establish before entering fully into the meaning of the term opening is its etymological origin. In this case, it must be stated that it is a word that derives from Latin, specifically, from “apertura” which can be translated as “action of opening.” More precisely we can indicate that that is […]

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Definition of warning

Apercibimiento is the act and consequence of apercibir, a verb that refers to reprimand, sanction or warn. The concept is usually used in the field of law regarding a punishment that is applied for a disciplinary infraction and that involves recording the offense so that, if it is repeated, […]

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Definition of appeal

The verb to appeal comes from appellāre, a Latin word that can be translated as “to call.” The concept is used to name the action of turning to a person or an entity that, due to its wisdom, discernment or authority, is in a position to solve or resolve an issue. For example: “I am going to appeal […]

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Definition of gentle

The first thing we are going to do is determine the etymological origin of the word peaceful that concerns us now. In this case we can state that it derives from Latin and that it is the result of the sum of the following clearly delimited parts: -The prefix ad-, which is equivalent to “towards”. -The verb pleasure, which can be translated […]

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Definition of obverse

Obverse is a term in our language derived from the French envers, in turn coming from the Latin word inversus. This concept is used especially with reference to medals, tokens and coins to name the most relevant face or side due to the drawing they have. The obverse is usually the face that […]

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