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Definition of atañe

Atañe is a conjugation of the verb atañer, which has its etymological origin in the Latin word attangĕre. The action of concerning refers to concerning, affecting, belonging or incumbency. For example: “I am not going to comment on this since it is a topic that does not concern me and I do not want to generate a misunderstanding”, “The mayor […]

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Definition of rough

Rough is an adjective that, according to the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE), has several uses. The first meaning refers to that which, due to the characteristics of its surface, is not very pleasant to the touch. For example: «What material are those pants made of? I don't like it, it's very rough", "When passing your hand […]

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Definition of assonant

The assonant adjective is used to describe those terms that, after their last accented vowel, share the vowel sounds in identical order. We also speak of assonant verses when they have this same characteristic. Words are assonant when, after their last stressed vowel, they present the same stressed vowels in each syllable. The […]

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Definition of handle

The handle is the part of an element that allows you to grasp it (take it, grab it, hold it), according to the first meaning of the term mentioned in the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE). In this framework, the handle is the handle, handle or handle that makes it possible to manipulate an object. Before moving forward […]

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Definition of assertion

The etymology of assertion refers us to the Latin word assertatio. The concept is used to name the act and result of asserting: confirming or ratifying what is expressed. For example: “The statement of the official deputy surprised the rest of the legislators”, “The coach denied the statement of the club president”, “I think that is a […]

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Definition of article

Article is a term that comes from the Latin word articŭlus and has multiple uses. The segment, part or provision that makes up a law, a newspaper or another type of writing is called an article. For example: «Law 1,492 establishes, in one of its articles, that public officials cannot accept gifts from companies that […]

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Definition of slang

Argot is a French term, accepted by the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE), that refers to jargon: a particular type of language used by the members of a group. Slang is shared by those who are dedicated to certain tasks or tasks, sometimes with the intention of making it difficult to understand communications […]

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Definition of archaic

Of Greek etymological origin is the term that concerns us now, archaic. Specifically, we can determine that it is a word that comes from archaikos, which can be translated as "ancient" and that is the result of the union of two differentiated components: -The noun arqué, which is equivalent to "beginning." -The suffix -ikos, which is used to […]

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Definition of apostrophe

The first thing we are going to do, before entering fully into clarifying the meaning of the term apostrophe, is to know its etymological origin. In this case, we can say that it is a word that comes from Greek, exactly from “apostrophe”. This can be translated as “turn to the other side” and was used in […]

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Definition of apposition

We can emphasize that the word apposition is a term whose etymological origin is found in Latin. Specifically, it derives from appositio, which is the result of the sum of the following components: -The prefix ad-, which is equivalent to "towards." -The word positus, which derives from the verb ponere, which can be translated as "put." -He […]

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