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Definition of benign

Benigno is an adjective that qualifies someone or something that is compassionate, clement, pious or cordial. The term came to our language from the Latin word benignus. For example: “I was lucky enough to meet a kind man who gave me shelter in his home”, “I thought he was going to try to make me feel bad […]

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Definition of meritorious

Benemérito is an adjective that is used to describe someone or something that is deserving of a distinction. What is meritorious is worthy of being rewarded or awarded. For example: “The Benemérito Corps of Volunteer Firefighters announced the holding of a popular festival with the objective of raising funds for the purchase of equipment”, “The […]

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Definition of approval

It is interesting to begin the definition of the term beneplacito by knowing its etymological origin. In this case, it must be stated that it is a word of Latin origin formed by the sum of three clearly delimited elements: -The word bene, which is equivalent to "good." -The verb placere, which can be translated as “to like.” -The suffix […]

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Definition of scoundrel

To begin we have to know the etymological origin of the term villain. In this case we can determine that it is a word about which different theories are established in that sense: -The one that states that it comes from the Celtic “bakkallakos”, which can be translated as “shepherd”. -The one that comes to determine that it derives from the Basque “vilhakatu”, […]

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Definition of beautiful

Before entering fully into the definition of the term beautiful, it is necessary to proceed to discover its etymological origin. In this case, we can state that it is a word that derives from Latin. Specifically, it comes from “bellus” which can be translated as “beautiful.” The term is used to describe that which, for […]

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Definition of slop

Slop is a mixture of waste, waste and feces, according to the first meaning included in the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE). The etymological root of the term is found in the Italian language. By extension, everything that causes disgust or is despicable is called filth. The slops, due to their […]

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Definition of enough

The most common use of the term enough comes from the verb suffice, which refers to the fact of being sufficient for a certain thing. Basta is also used as an interjection to finish something. For example: “I don't need proof: your word is enough for me”, “Enough talking about politics! All we do is […]

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Definition of hubbub

Barullo is a concept that comes from the Portuguese word barulho. The term refers to the confusion, mess, confusion or disarray that is usually generated when different elements are mixed. For example: “Last night we left the party early because there was a lot of noise”, “The Brazilian striker found the ball in the middle of the noise and managed to score the […]

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Definition of hubbub

A hubbub is a great commotion, disorder or confusion. The etymology of the word is not clear: it is believed that it could derive from the French word baragouin or the Portuguese barafunda. This term can also be written as baraúnda, as explained by the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) in its dictionary. For example: «At that time, the region was a […]

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Definition of banal

The etymology of banal takes us to the French language. The term is used as an adjective to describe that which lacks substance, is superficial or is insignificant. For example: “I don't understand why you get angry over something so banal…”, “I'm already fed up with complex books and movies for intellectuals: I want to dedicate […]

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