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Definition of semantic field

Semantic field is a notion used in the field of linguistics to name the series of lexical units that share various characteristics in terms of their meanings. In other words, the semantic field is made up of different words whose meanings have a certain relationship since they have some semantic feature in common. […]

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Definition of warm

The adjective warm, which comes from the Latin word calĭdus, refers to something that is hot or that provides heat. The concept also refers to how hot. For example: "Luckily it was a warm morning and we were able to walk a lot", "The entry of warm air will cause temperatures to rise", "Meteorologists stated that this year […]

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Definition of ilk

The first meaning of the term ilk mentioned by the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) in its dictionary refers to an appearance, a pattern or a model. The concept is usually used to refer to the nature or condition of something or someone. For example: “I can't understand how you opened the door to your […]

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Definition of kaffir

In order to know the meaning of the term Kaffir that concerns us now, it is necessary, first of all, to discover its etymological origin. In this case we can determine that it is a word that derives from Arabic. Exactly it derives from the word kafir, which can be translated as “pagan.” The first meaning mentioned in the Royal Dictionary […]

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Definition of expiration

Expiration is the expiration, cessation or expiration of something. When an element expires, it ceases to exist or loses its integrity. For example: “Don't eat that dessert! It has already been a month since its expiration date”, “Next week the contract will expire and then I will have to move”, “Experts say […]

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Definition of junk

Cachivache is a term with three meanings recognized by the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE). In a pejorative way it can refer to an object that is useless or broken, or to an instrument or utensil that is not very useful or looks strange. For example: "What are these gadgets for?", "I'm going to give you a new coffee maker like this […]

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Definition of crestfallen

Downcast is an adjective used to describe an individual who is very worried, sad or distressed. The term is linked to the posture that people adopt in this type of situation, with their heads bowed. For example: “What's happening to you? For several days I've noticed you crestfallen", "The boy, […]

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Definition of header

Cabecera is a concept that is used in various ways. Whether in its feminine form (headboard) or masculine (headboard), it can refer to the piece of furniture that is located in the area of ​​the bed where the pillows are placed. This header can have an aesthetic purpose or be used to protect the wall from […]

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Definition of bruces

There are different theories about the meaning and etymological origin of the term bruces. However, the most widespread determines that this word comes from Latin, specifically from “bucceus”, which can be translated as “from the mouth”. And that word, in turn, derives from the noun “bucca”, which is synonymous with “mouth”. The expression “de buces” or […]

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Definition of throw away

Homonyms are spelled differently and have different meanings, but their pronunciation is identical or similar. This often generates confusion, especially when writing. In this framework, it is important to know the definition of the verb to throw (with initial B) to avoid mistakes with vote (which begins with V). […]

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