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Definition of cheto

The term cheto is used in several South American countries to refer to something that is very expensive, elegant or distinguished. For example: "Last night we went to dinner at a very cool restaurant located in the port area", "I need cool clothes to go to the company's New Year's Eve party", "I […]

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Definition of cool

The term cool has multiple uses that vary according to each region. In some countries, cool is an adjective used to describe what is excellent, pleasant or pretty. For example: “Have you seriously won first prize? Cool!”, “This place is really cool”, “We had a cool time at my […]

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Definition of caesura

In order to fully understand the meaning of the term caesura, it is necessary that we first discover its etymological origin. In this case, we can point out that it is a word that derives from Latin, exactly from “caesura”, which means “cut” and is used to refer to the pauses that are […]

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Category definition

The Greek word katēgoría came to late Latin as a category, which passed into our language as a category. A category is a class, a type, a condition or a division of something. For example: “If next year I get a promotion in my job, I will earn more money”, “There are second-class teams […]

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Definition of casquivana

The adjective casquivana is used to describe a person who leads a free sexual life, without being tied to formal ties or commitments. The notion also applies to those who act irresponsibly or foolishly and to what is a consequence of that type of behavior. For example: “When I was young I was arrogant, […]

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Case definition

Before proceeding to determine the meaning of the term case, it is necessary to discover its etymological origin. Specifically, we can establish that it derives Latin, exactly from the word “casus”, which can be translated as “luck”, “accident” and “chance”. It is a concept that refers to a fact, an event or a matter. For example: “I don't know […]

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Definition of almost

The adverb almost comes from the Latin word quasi and refers to that which was narrowly missed or to that which is approximate. For example: “The Chilean player almost scored a goal, but he was unlucky: his shot hit the post”, “We are almost at the hotel, be patient”, “I almost slipped down […]

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Definition of candor

Candor is someone's purity, integrity, candidness or innocence. The term can be related to naivety. For example: “The candor of the children touches me”, “The local team showed a candor that was taken advantage of by the rival”, “I like humor that appeals to candor”. The etymology Before proceeding […]

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Definition of scoundrel

A scoundrel is a nefarious, evil or mean individual. The etymology of the term takes us to the Italian language, more precisely to the word canaglia. For example: “You are a scoundrel! I can't believe you cheated on me with my best friend", "Scumbags who lie to people should have no place in politics", "No […]

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Definition of cambalache

The first meanings of the term exchange mentioned by the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) in its dictionary refer to an exchange or exchange that takes place under unclear conditions or that involves elements of little value. These uses of the concept generally have a pejorative or derogatory meaning. For example: “The government […]

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