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Definition of braille

Braille is a surname and also a common noun. In fact, the thing that the noun designates is named after the person who developed it. The Frenchman Louis Braille (1809–1852) was an inventor and educator who devised a system of writing and reading for the blind. This method, based on relief drawings, […]

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Definition of white

Blanca is a term that has multiple uses. It can be used as an adjective or as a noun, depending on the context. The first thing to keep in mind is that blanca is the feminine of white: the color corresponding to the hue of sunlight without being broken down into the different colors of the spectrum. […]

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Definition of yesterday

Yesterday is a term that comes from the Latin ad heri. It is a concept that can be used as an adverb or as a noun, always linked to a past tense. The most common use of yesterday refers to the day that immediately precedes today. For example: if today is Friday, yesterday was Thursday. […]

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Definition of being

With almost thirty meanings in the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE), estar is a term that can be used in multiple ways. The concept comes from the Latin word stare. The verb can be used to refer to a certain state, condition or situation of a thing or an individual. It is also used to refer to […]

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Definition of abracadabra

Abracadabra is a concept that comes from a late Latin word, itself derived from the Greek abráxas. The etymology of abracadabra, therefore, leads us to the idea of ​​abraxas. The Gnostics (i.e., the followers of the ancient religious and philosophical doctrine that combined elements of Christianity, Judaism and Greek beliefs) […]

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Definition of chabacano

Chabacano is a term whose origin, according to the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE), cannot be established with certainty. The concept can be used as an adjective or as a noun depending on the context, having different meanings. As an adjective, chabacano can be used to describe that which is rude or vulgar. Chabacanería, in this sense, is a term that is used to describe something that is […]

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Definition of bemba

The notion of bemba has several uses. The term is used in different ways depending on the country, and can be used as a noun or adjective and sometimes forms part of colloquial phrases. In countries such as Venezuela, Uruguay, Peru, Mexico, Nicaragua, Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala, among others, the term bemba refers to the mouth that is characterized by […]

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Definition of extract

The etymology of extract takes us back to medieval Latin extractus. This word, in turn, derives from extrahĕre (which can be translated as “to extract”). The notion has several meanings. The first meaning mentioned by the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) in its dictionary refers to the summary of a text that expresses, in a concise manner, the most […]

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Definition of exordium

The Latin word exordium came to Castilian as exordio. The term refers to the preamble or the first part of a speech or a literary work. It can be said that the exordium is the introduction or the beginning of the speech. Its purpose is to capture the attention of the audience and prepare their willingness to receive […]

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Definition of bizarre

Bizarre is a term that comes from the Italian word bizzarro, which can be translated as “angry”. The Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) recognizes two meanings in its dictionary, although there is a third that is frequently used in some Latin American regions. The RAE indicates that the idea of ​​bizarre can be linked to bravery: someone or something […]

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