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Definition of far-fetched

The concept of crazy, which derives from the verb crazy, refers to that which is unusual, crazy or absurd. The term can refer to an expression, a situation, an action or a project, to name a few possibilities. Based on the above, we can establish that among the synonyms of crazy are words such as foolish, […]

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Definition of shameless

Before entering fully into the meaning of the term shameless, it is necessary to discover its etymological origin. In this case, we can establish that it is a word that derives from the sum of the following components: -The Romance prefix of negation “des-”. -The Latin noun “cara”, which, in turn, comes from the Greek “kara”, which […]

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Definition of runaway

The term desbocado comes from the verb desbocar: to break or extract the mouth of something; get out of control; grow without moderation or restraint. The first meanings of the concept mentioned by the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) in its dictionary are linked to weapons and tools. A runaway cannon, in this sense, is one whose mouth is wider than […]

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Definition of roughing

The verb roughing refers to eliminating the coarsest or coarsest fragments of what one intends to carve or perfect. The notion can also refer in a broader sense to reducing, spending or minimizing something. It is important not to confuse destroying with devastating. This second term (devastate) refers to destroying or razing something. […]

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Definition of around

The notion of surroundings refers to the contour, environment or surroundings of something. That which occurs around a thing, therefore, takes place in its vicinity or surrounding it. For example: “Investigators are using several hypotheses regarding the crime”, “Thousands of protesters marched around the Government Palace […]

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Definition of deparate

The verb deparar is used with reference to the action of granting, granting or providing. The concept can also refer to presenting or exhibiting. For example: “I don't know what this trip is going to bring us, but I really want to get on the plane and start the journey”, “The draw for the round of 16 of the […]

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Definition of too much

The term too can be used as an adjective, pronoun or adverb. The dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) recognizes more than a dozen uses of this concept, which usually refers to a magnitude, a figure or an intensity that is indefinite, but excessive. Too much can refer to an amount that is very large. By […]

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Definition of deictics

In order to discover the meaning of the deictic term, it is necessary, first of all, to know its etymological origin. In this case, we can state that it is a word that derives from Greek, exactly from “deiktikós”, which can be translated as “demonstrative” or “proper to point out”. The deictic adjective qualifies that which is linked to […]

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Definition of deduct

The verb deduce, which comes from the Latin word deducĕre, can refer to drawing a conclusion from certain premises or from a certain situation. For example: “From the statements of the Minister of Economy we can deduce that there will be a new tax increase in the short term”, “I don't feel like deducting anything, I want you to […]

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Definition of definitive

The definitive adjective, which comes from the Latin word definitīvus, qualifies that which concludes, finishes off, resolves or consummates something. The definitive cannot be reversed or left without effect. For example: “The definitive closure of the premises will take place next Friday”, “The government promised to publish a definitive report on what happened during the riots, […]

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