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Definition of delete

The verb to erase has several uses. The first meaning recognized by the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) in its dictionary refers to causing the disappearance of something that has been captured with ink, paint or another similar resource. Erasing, in this way, is a common process when writing or drawing. The characteristics of the erasing process are […]

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Definition of enlist

The dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) recognizes six meanings of the term alistar. This verb can come from the word “lista” or “list,” which partly explains the differences in meaning. Therefore, before continuing with the definition of alistar, it is worth focusing on the aforementioned concepts. “listar” is defined as “list” or “list.”

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Definition of analyze

Analyze is a verb that refers to the development of an analysis. Analysis is, in turn, an examination or study. As you can see, the concept is very broad. The characteristics of the exercise, therefore, depend on the context and what is being analyzed. Analyze in everyday life Every day, […]

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Definition of add

The Latin word aggregāre came to our language as aggregar. This verb can be used to refer to the action of coupling or adding some elements to others. When adding something, therefore, it is added or incorporated. The way of joining or annexing depends on the characteristics of what is added. Adding parts to […]

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Definition of fix

More than a dozen meanings of “fix” appear in the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE). The term comes from the medieval Latin fixare, which in turn comes from the Latin fixus (which derives from figĕre, translatable as “to nail”). According to the first meaning mentioned by the RAE, the action of fixing consists of inserting, […]

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Definition of turn on

The Latin word incendĕre came to Spanish as “to ignite”. It is a verb with several meanings recognized by the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) in its dictionary. The first meaning that the RAE includes refers to causing the beginning of a combustion. According to chemistry, combustion is the reaction that occurs […]

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Definition of eventual

The notion of eventual is used to describe something that is subordinated or tied to an event. Events, in turn, are happenings: they can be transcendental events or fortuitous occurrences. In general, eventuality is something temporary, transitory or ephemeral because it is associated with specific circumstances. In this sense, it is […]

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Definition of equip

To equip is a term that comes from the French équiper, which in turn is derived from the Norse skipa. This word, meanwhile, comes from skip (translatable as “boat”). The action of equipping consists of providing something or someone with what they need for their functioning or for the development of an activity. It is called equipment, on the other hand, […]

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Definition of elemental

The adjective elemental has several uses. The first meaning given by the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) in its dictionary refers to something linked to an element. The notion of element, meanwhile, can refer to each part that constitutes a whole. It can also refer to a means or foundation that is needed for something. Elemental […]

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Definition of burnish

The concept of burnishing comes from the Germanic word brūnjan, which in turn comes from brūn (which translates as “brown”). The verb refers to the action that allows an object or material to shine or luster. When you burnish something, therefore, you make it shiny or lustrous. This is a common process […]

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