

Latest articles in Language

Definition of textual macrorules

The term macrorule is not part of the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE). Its meaning, however, can be known if the parts that make up the concept are analyzed. The macro-compositional element refers to the large. A rule, meanwhile, is a norm, a precept or a method. It can be considered, therefore, that a […]

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Definition of functional text

The idea of ​​text comes from the Latin word textus, which refers to a "plot." The term can be used to name written or oral statements that form a coherent whole. The functional adjective, on the other hand, refers to that which is linked to a function (a task, a capacity or a representation, depending on the context). Something […]

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Definition of adjective phrase

Phrase is a term that comes from the Latin word phrasis, in turn derived from the Greek phrásis. The concept has several uses: it can refer to the group of words that make up a statement; to the grammatical structure also known as a sentence; or to the expression composed of several words whose global meaning does not arise from their […]

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Definition of discursive connector

Connector is an adjective that is used to refer to that which connects (that is, that unites, links or communicates). The term is also often used as a noun. In the specific case of linguistics, a connector is a unit that makes it possible to establish a semantic link between different fragments or sentences of a […]

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Definition of literary figure

Figure is a concept that comes from the Latin word figūra. Although it has several uses, in this case we are interested in its meaning as something that means or represents something else. The concept of literary, for its part, comes from the Latin litterarius. This adjective is used to describe what is linked to literature: artistic expression […]

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Definition of formal language

Language is a term that comes from the Occitan language. The dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) recognizes several meanings of the concept: in this case, we are interested in its meaning as a code composed of signs. Codes, in turn, are systems or sets of signs and norms. The formal adjective, meanwhile, can refer […]

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Definition of lit

Lit is a term that is not part of the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE). The concept, however, is used in various ways in our language based on the influence of the English language. At a general level, it can be said that lit refers to that which is great. It is associated with […]

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Definition of inside

Adentro is a term that can be used as an adverb, noun or interjection, depending on the context. The concept comes from within, which refers to the interior sector of something, whether physical or symbolic. That which is located in the internal zone, therefore, is found inside. One can speak, in this sense, of inland or […]

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Definition of grab

The verb grab comes from claw. This term (claw), in turn, refers to the foot or hand of an animal when they have sharp and very strong nails. In some contexts, the human hand is also called claw. Returning to the idea of ​​grasping, the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy […]

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Definition of cool

The Latin word geniālis came to our language as genius. It is an adjective that has several meanings recognized by the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE). The first meaning collected by the RAE dictionary refers to that which is typical or characteristic of a genius. A brilliant action, in this way, shows the […]

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