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Definition of inseparable

The adjective inseparable is used to describe something that is impossible to split (fragment, divide, separate). When this action cannot be carried out, the element in question is inseparable. For example: “The person of Mauricio Macri, with his history and background, is inseparable from his role as president”, “The success of Lionel Messi is inseparable […]

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Definition of unspeakable

The etymology of unspeakable leads us to the Latin word inenarrabĭlis. The concept, according to the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE), refers to the ineffable: that which cannot be explained through words. The unspeakable, therefore, cannot be narrated (told, referred to, described). For example: “When opening the […]

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Definition of unavoidable

The first step we are going to take in order to fully understand the meaning of the term inescapable is to discover its etymological origin. In this case, we have to point out that it is a word that derives from Latin and that is the result of the sum of several lexical components of said language: -The […]

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Definition of indubitable

The term indubitable, which comes from the Latin word indubitabĭlis, refers to that which cannot be put into doubt. The verb dudar, on the other hand, refers to distrusting something or someone or not deciding on one thing or another. The indubitable, therefore, does not accept doubts since, due to its characteristics […]

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Definition of indomitable

The concept of untamable has its origin in the Latin word indomabĭlis. The term is used to describe someone who refuses to be tamed. The verb to tame, on the other hand, comes from domāre and is often used to name the process that is carried out to make an animal docile and […]

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Definition of untamed

The Latin word indomĭtus came to Spanish as indomitable. This adjective is used to describe someone who cannot be tamed, repressed or controlled. For example: “The indomitable journalist never gave in to the pressures of the powerful or to the impositions of his editors”, “The actress with an indomitable character caused a revolution in the industry […]

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Definition of indistinct

The notion of indistinct allows us to name something that cannot be distinguished from something else. The concept, which derives from the Latin word indistinctus, also refers to something that is not clearly perceived. For example: “The company is looking for three people to join its sales department: gender is indistinct, only […]

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Definition of indissoluble

The Latin word indissolubĭlis came to Castilian as indissoluble. This adjective is used to describe something that cannot be dissolved. The verb dissolve, on the other hand, can refer to making something be incorporated into a liquid by separating its particles or to decomposing an element by breaking the union that exists between […]

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Definition of indispensable

The etymological origin of the indispensable term that we are now going to proceed to analyze is found in Latin. Specifically, it must be established that it is a word formed from the union of several lexical components: -The prefix “in-”, which is synonymous with “without” and “not”. -The component “dis-”, […]

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Definition of indescribable

It is in Latin that we can establish that the etymological origin of the term indescribable that we are now going to address is found. Specifically, it is the result of the sum of several lexical components of said language: -The prefix “in-”, which is synonymous with “not” and “without”. -The word “de-”, which is used to indicate “of […]

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