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Definition of quid

Quid is a term of Latin origin that refers to the essence. The quid is the most relevant or the cause of something. For example: “I still cannot discover the crux of the matter”, “The crux of the accusation is that the president set up an illegal spy system to control his adversaries […]

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Definition of publication

Publication is the act and consequence of publishing: to disseminate something or make it known through printing or another mechanism. The term is often used to refer to printed text. From paper to the Internet Newspapers, magazines and books, in this context, are publications. For example: “A publication specializing in […]

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Definition of next

The Latin word proxĭmus came to our language as next. The term can be used to refer to something that is close in time or space. For example: “Next Monday is the deadline for receiving works that aspire to win the National Literature Prize”, “Don’t worry, we will buy something […]

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Definition of coming from

The adjective “originating” is used to describe that or that which comes from: that is, that comes from a certain place, from another element or from another person. The term can be used in multiple contexts. For example: “The Italian designer presented his brand new collection of jewelry, made with precious stones from the Asian continent”, “The […]

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Definition of indefinite pronouns

A pronoun is a type of word whose referent is determined by the relationship it forms with other terms, which have generally already been named. The indefinite, on the other hand, is not defined. Indefinite pronouns, in this framework, are those that reflect a degree or quantity in an indeterminate way. They can also refer to […]

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Definition of emphatic pronouns

Pronouns are types of words whose referent is determined by the link they establish with other terms that have usually already been named. The elements of a pronoun can be established as the nominal phrase or the noun. It is possible to recognize different kinds of pronouns. Emphatic pronouns are those that have a referent, but […]

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Definition of past perfect

The perfect past tense is a verbal tense in our language that allows us to refer to an action that took place in the past. There are two types of perfect past tense: the simple perfect past tense and the compound perfect past tense. Simple past tense The simple past tense is used when the act in question takes place at a time prior to the past […]

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Definition of first person

The concept of first person has several uses depending on the context. The most basic meaning refers to the human being who was a pioneer or precursor in something. Pioneer or precursor For example: «The first person who traveled to outer space was Yuri Gagarin, a Soviet astronaut», «The first person I saw when I regained consciousness […]

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Definition of imperfect preterite

The imperfect preterite is a verbal tense in Spanish and other Romance languages. It is used to refer to an action that was carried out simultaneously with another action in the past; to an act that continues in the present; or to a practice that was repetitive and frequent some time ago. It is usually used to indicate […]

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Definition of prior

The adjective prior, derived from the Latin word praevius, is used to describe what happens first or appears before. The concept is linked to that which is preceding in time. It is important to clarify that its official meaning, according to the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy, defines it as an adjective used to describe […]

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