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Definition of fly

The adjective raise is used to refer to the action of raising a flag, a banner or a similar element with the aim of making it visible. Generally the act consists of taking the object and raising it above the head. Some examples Since it is not a common term in speech […]

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Definition of patronymic

The Greek word patrōnymikós arrived in late Latin as patronymĭcus, which is the closest etymological antecedent of the term patronymic. It is an adjective that refers to the surname or name formed to indicate a lineage, affiliation or ancestry. First names or surnames Patronymics can be given names or surnames. They emerged […]

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Definition of lie

The verb lie comes from the Latin word iacēre. The first meaning mentioned by the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) in its dictionary refers, with respect to an individual, to being lying down or lying down. A person can lie on the ground for different reasons. Who faints due to a sudden drop in blood pressure, to mention one […]

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Definition of shudder

The verb shake refers to making something tremble. Trembling, meanwhile, refers to shaking, moving with jerks that can be caused by different causes. Returning to the idea of ​​shuddering, it can be a physical effect generated by a noise or an impact. For example: “The beginning of the concert made my windows shake […]

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Definition of enjambment

The notion of enjambment has several uses. The first meaning mentioned in the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) refers to the gun carriage that was used to secure or mount artillery. The enjambment or carriage, in this framework, is a framework. The artillery was located on this structure: mortars, cannons, etc. In a […]

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Definition of baldon

The etymology of baldón takes us to the Old French bandon, in turn derived from the French bann (which can be translated as “command”). A foul is an offense or a grievance. The concept can refer to an insult, but also to the thing or individual that constitutes an insult. For example: “I'm not going to […]

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Definition of subterfuge

Subterfuge is a concept derived from the Latin subterfugium. The term refers to an excuse or a way out that allows one to avoid a situation or escape from it. For example: «The company's call for a dialogue with union leaders is nothing more than a subterfuge to continue delaying the payment of […]

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Definition of timid

The adjective timid is used to describe people with different characteristics. It can refer to someone who is shy, apathetic, insecure or vile, to name a few possibilities. As can be seen, the concept refers to different features that have nothing to do with each other. A person can be timid because of their shyness, but that does not make […]

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Definition of imbricate

The Latin word imbrex, which can be translated as “channeled tile”, allowed the formation of imbricāre. This late Latin term refers to making a covering with these tiles. The idea came to Spanish as overlapping. It is a verb that refers to the action of arranging various identical elements so that they overlap […]

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Definition of subjugate

The notion of subjugate derives from subiugāre, a Latin word. The concept refers to exercising dominance or control through force. Subdue or oppress Subjugate, in this framework, consists of subduing or oppressing. For example: «We are not going to let a foreign power dedicate itself to subjugating our people», «My […]

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