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Definition of staunch

The Latin word acerrĭmus came into Spanish as acerrĭmus. The first meaning mentioned by the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) in its dictionary refers to the superlative of acre (spicy or rough). Tenacity, fanaticism Generally, staunch is used to describe someone who is characterized by his tenacity or vigor. It can also refer to who […]

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Definition of languish

The verb languish refers to suffering languor: weakness, weakness. He or she who languishes loses his energy or spirit. Loss of strength When a person languishes, he experiences a loss of vigor. When languishing, you no longer have the strength or drive to face adversity or develop an action. This verb is not very common in […]

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Definition of dissolute

The Latin word dissolūtus, from dissolvĕre (which translates as “to dissolve”), is the closest etymological antecedent of the term dissolute. This adjective allows us to describe someone who indulges in vices. Someone who is dissolute, therefore, is libertine and has disorderly behavior. It is common for him to act with abandon, without ethical conditions and, […]

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Definition of surreptitious

The Latin word surrepticius came into Spanish as surrepticio. This adjective allows us to describe what is carried out or achieved subtly. Disguised or hidden The idea of ​​subreption, meanwhile, refers to an action carried out in a hidden or covert manner. That is why surreptitious is something hidden or hidden. By […]

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Definition of effluvium

The notion of effluvium comes from the Latin word effluvium. The term refers to an emission of tiny elements. Smoke or vapor Effluvium is characterized by tiny or microscopic particles that are expelled by a body. Sometimes it is smoke or steam. Since, unlike other meanings that […]

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Definition of apostrophe

The concept of apostrophe comes from the late Latin apostrŏphus, in turn derived from the Greek word apostrophos. It is a spelling sign that, in our language, is used to link two terms, marking the deletion of a sound. Raised comma The apostrophe is a raised comma («), although it can also appear as […]

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Definition of pre-reading

The stage that precedes the actual reading of a text is called pre-reading. It is a process that is based on the analysis of various issues linked to the material to be read in order to then make the most of the reading instance. Spontaneous or structured It is common for pre-reading to take […]

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Definition of uncontested

With etymological origin in the Latin word inconcussus, inconcusus is an adjective that is used to describe that which does not entail any type of doubt. The inconclusive, therefore, is certain. For example: “That the national economy has accumulated several four-month declines is an incontrovertible fact that no one can deny”, “There are people who […]

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Definition of imprecate

The Latin word imprecāri came to Spanish as imprecar. This action refers to expressing terms with which the desire for an individual to experience evil or suffer some type of harm is expressed. For example: “There are people who just want to curse and have no interest in finding points of agreement”, “The old man […]

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Definition of termination

The Latin word terminatio came to Spanish as a termination. This is what the act and result of finishing or finishing is called: conclude, finish, finish. Completion, in this framework, is the final stretch of something or the last part of a process. It can also be about its closure, finishing or consummation. For example: “The architect […]

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