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Definition of subsequent

Subsequent is an adjective used to describe something that follows. The verb subseguir, meanwhile, refers to what an element does that immediately follows another. Consequence or effect The notion of subsequent usually refers to a temporal succession. Generally, what follows is a consequence or […]

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Definition of fortieth

The etymology of fortieth takes us to the Latin quadragesĭmus, in turn derived from quadragesĭma. The adjective can refer to the number or position that, in order, follows the thirty-ninth. Some examples For example: “The fortieth National Congress of Gastroenterology will be held from August 18 to 20 at the Hotel […]

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Definition of subargument

The term subargument is not part of the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE). However, we can understand the meaning of the notion if we analyze its components. Accessory or complementary story Returning to the idea of ​​subargument, it is an accessory or complementary story that enriches the central argument. Each work can have several subarguments. […]

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Definition of furious

The Latin word furibundus came to our language as furibundo. This adjective is used to describe an angry or furious individual, or one who tends to get angry. Some examples Let’s see the term in context through the following example sentences: “The actor, furious, began to shout at the journalists who were trying to interview him […]

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Definition of retahila

A string of elements is a succession of elements that are mentioned or appear in a certain order. It is a series that is usually made up of events, expressions or things that are not material. Some examples Let us illustrate the meaning of this term with some example sentences: “The president tried to explain the crisis with […]

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Definition of contrite

Compungido is an adjective that describes someone who is hurt or afflicted. The term comes from the verb compungir: to be saddened by someone else’s suffering or one’s own fault. Sad or distressed Someone who is compungido, therefore, feels sad or distressed. For example: “The girl’s sad face made me […]

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Definition of archaism

The Greek word archaïsmós came to Late Latin as archaismus. This is the closest etymological antecedent of archaism, a concept that refers to the condition of being archaic: antiquated or ancient. An archaism, therefore, is something that seems to belong to the past. It may be a consequence sought through imitation or through […]

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Definition of decisive

The Latin word resolūtus, derived from resolvĕre, came to Spanish as resolutive. This is how it describes that which is linked to resolution: the decision, the definition. Resolution with firmness A resolute individual is someone who resolves different issues with firmness. This is someone who does not hesitate when deciding and who is proactive, trying to […]

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Definition of glossematics

The notion of glossematics is used to refer to the linguistic current developed by the Copenhagen School, a group or association that had Louis Hjelmslev (1899-1965) as its main reference. Glossematics derives from glōssēmatikós, a Greek word that can be translated as “full of glosses”. It all began with Saussure Experts claim that glossematics […]

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Definition of arouse

The verb soliviantar refers to stirring up the spirit of an individual to incite him to rebellion. By stirring up someone, his insurrection is promoted and he is sought to adopt a rebellious position. Some examples For example: “We need a union leader who is capable of stirring up workers and achieving positive changes”, “We must […]

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