Latest articles in Language
Definition of epiphora
Epiphora is the name assigned, within the field of rhetoric, to a literary figure that revolves around the fact of repeating one word or more in a text. As synonyms for this concept, as detailed in the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE), both epistrophe and […]
Definition of discourse analysis
Discourse analysis is the activity that consists of investigating how language is used in specific communicative situations. Its objective of study is the set of statements of a community. It should be noted that the idea of analysis refers to a detailed examination of something. A speech, meanwhile, is a series of […]
Definition of ambiguity
Ambiguity is the quality of an element, whether a word, phrase or situation, that can be interpreted in different ways or that has more than one meaning. In the field of communication, this lack of definition can generate dilemmas and conflicts due to uncertainty and expressions that give rise to a paradox […]
Definition of pragmatics
Pragmatics is an area of linguistics that is dedicated to the analysis of language in its relationship with the people who speak it, considering the different circumstances that are part of the communicative process and the statements that are issued in it. The term comes from the Latin word pragmatĭcus, in turn derived from the Greek […]
Definition of Esperanto
Esperanto is an artificial language created by LL Zamenhof in the 19th century. This Polish ophthalmologist made known the precepts of this language in 1887, although its development took him many years. The goal of Zamenhof was to facilitate international communications and contribute to understanding between peoples. For this he devised […]
Definition of Basque
Basque is a term that refers to the Basque language. According to the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE), the concept can also be written as Basque. Basque or Basque is a language whose origin is unknown. It is spoken in the Euskal Herria (Basque nation), which includes the Spanish autonomous community of the Basque Country, […]
Definition of conventionalism
Conventionalism is the philosophical doctrine that treats principles as conventions. The term can also refer to the behavior or rule that is considered conventional: that is, it conforms to the norms that are accepted by the majority. As a current of thought, conventionalism focuses on values, […]
Definition of indirect speech
Indirect speech is a form of expression focused on paraphrasing, that is, using one's own vocabulary to explain, tell or reproduce the content of a text or a dialogue without being literal. He takes advantage, to describe a circumstance that common people can easily identify, when a teacher tells him […]
Definition of direct speech
Direct speech is the name given to a way of informing or disseminating a message or content as it was originally expressed. It is a style in which, both orally and in writing, information is reproduced (from a sentence to phrases) without commenting on it or modifying anything. By citing […]
Definition of subject nucleus
The nucleus of the subject is a very important element in every sentence since it is the word that indicates who carries out the action indicated in the predicate. Thanks to syntactic analysis it is possible to recognize each of the parts of the structures examined (noun/pronoun, verb, complements, determiners, etc.). It is essential […]