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Definition of brave

Brave is an adjective that refers to someone who is brave. An individual with bravery or courage is brave. Some examples Let’s look at this word, not very common in everyday speech, in context through the following examples: “The woman, brave, did not hesitate to jump into the sea to rescue the old man who had fallen […]

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Definition of strenuous

Denodado is an adjective used to describe something that is courageous, determined or brave. The term comes from denodarse, a pronominal verb that is currently little used and refers to making an effort or taking risks. Energy, daring Denodado, therefore, shows energy or daring. The concept can also refer to sacrifice and self-denial. The […]

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Definition of substantial

Substantial is a term that comes from the late Latin substantiālis and refers to that which is linked to substance. This concept, in turn, has several meanings: it can refer to the most transcendent or essential, or to the value of something. The fundamental The substantial, therefore, can refer to the main thing or the […]

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Definition of multilingual

The etymological composition of the adjective multilingual is formed with the compositional element multi- (which refers to “many”) and the Latin word linguis (derived from lingua, that is, “language”). The concept refers to someone who speaks different languages. Speaking many languages ​​Someone who is multilingual, therefore, is able to communicate in different languages. Generally speaking, […]

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Definition of last

The Latin word primarius (which translates as “primary”) derived from postrēmus, which in turn gave rise to postrarius. The concept came to our language as postrero, an adjective that has different uses. The last element That which is located at the end of an enumeration or a series can be described as postrero. […]

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Definition of phrase

The concept of locution, derived from the Latin word locutio, refers to the action and manner of speaking: pronouncing words, communicating through them. The notion usually appears in the field of the media and in the field of grammar. Voice expression In the case of the media, […]

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Definition of multivocal

The etymology of multivocal refers to the compositional element multi- (which refers to “many”) and the Latin suffix -vŏcus (referring to that which it designates). Multivocal has many meanings. Opposite to univocal It is easy to understand what this adjective means if we analyze the term univocal, linked to that which always has a single meaning. A message […]

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Definition of Anglicism

An anglicism is an idiomatic expression of the English language. The concept is usually used specifically to refer to the English expression or term that is used in another language. Emergence Anglicisms may arise when there is no precise translation of a concept or when an inappropriate translation is developed. […]

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Definition of workmanship

The Latin word factūra came to Spanish as hechura. This is the name given to the act and result of making. Synonym of composition The external form of something and the composition of a body or an object are also known as hechura: “I was surprised by the cake’s workmanship”, “I think this product is well made”, […]

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Definition of battered

The adjective battered refers to something damaged or mistreated. What is battered is not in good condition, but quite the opposite. Some examples For example: “The tennis player is considering retiring from professional activity due to his battered left elbow”, “Yesterday I passed by the door of my childhood home and was disappointed to find it abandoned […]

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