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Definition of nonsense

Dislate is a term that is used as a synonym for nonsense. The term refers to that which is absurd, irrational or misguided. Some examples Let's see this term in context through the following example sentences: “I found the governor's speech to be nonsense full of inconsistencies and ambiguities”, “The victim's lawyer […]

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Definition of trompiar

The concept of trompicar comes from the Portuguese tropicar, in turn derived from tropic, a variant of trôpego. The term refers to causing a person to stumble violently. Examples of tumbling For example: “The police officer ran and managed to knock over the thief, who was left lying on the ground”, “A protester managed to avoid […]

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Definition of grace

The word donāre, which can be translated as “give”, came to low Latin as donarium. That is the closest etymological antecedent of grace, a term that refers to grace or moderation in what is expressed. As a synonym for agility The concept also refers to agility, dexterity or grace with […]

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Definition of consummate

The Latin word consummāre came to Spanish as consummate. The first meaning of the term mentioned by the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) in its dictionary refers to concretizing or completing something. Completing a process Consuming is associated with executing or finishing a process, an action, etc. Although this word has synonyms such as […]

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Definition of tattered

The adjective ragged is used to describe someone who dresses in rags. A rag, meanwhile, is clothing that is in poor condition, dirty or very old. Bad appearance He who is ragged is usually unkempt. This means that he does not take care of his appearance or pay attention to his appearance. […]

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Definition of exonerate

The Latin word exonerāre came into Spanish as exonerate. The term has two broad meanings as detailed by the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) in its dictionary. Removing a burden The action of exonerating, in this framework, can refer to providing relief or removing a burden. For example: «The government is analyzing exonerating medicines […]

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Definition of sly

The adjective sarcastic is used to describe someone who acts sarcastically. It is known as sarcasm, meanwhile, to the dissimulation that entails a camouflaged or masked mockery. Ironic and mocking The sarcastic individual, in this way, expresses himself with irony to make fun of someone, appearing naive. Their criticisms or jokes are not direct, but […]

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Definition of morality

Morality is an imposed or trivial morality. This is a false or exaggerated compliance with the principles of morality. Superficial teaching It can be said that morality appeals to certain standards to make a superficial or petty judgment of human behavior. It pretends to be a teaching or a predicament, although it lacks depth […]

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Definition of specific

The late Latin word specifĭcus came to Spanish as specific. The term refers to that which is distinctive or characteristic of something. Differentiating feature The specificity of an element is what differentiates it from others, or what allows it to be included in a set with other elements with similar properties. Can […]

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Definition of premonition

The action of guessing consists of anticipating, predicting or assuming something based on an indication or a signal. In a broad sense, the notion refers to announcing a future event. Guessing Many times hunching is associated with feeling or having a hunch. Therefore, hunching involves developing a certain feeling about […]

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