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Definition of similarity

The concept of similicadence is formed from the Latin word simĭlis (which translates as “similar”) and the term cadence (rhythm). The notion refers to the use, at the end of two or more clauses, of verbs in the same person and tense or manner or of adjectives or nouns that end in a […]

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Definition of whippersnapper

The etymology of whippersnapper takes us to the Hispanic Arabic muẖaṭríf, in turn derived from the classical Arabic muḡaṭrif or muẖaṭrif (which can be translated as “arrogant”). The term, according to the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE), is used in colloquial language to refer to a nosy, inopportune or boisterous individual. Someone insignificant is […]

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Definition of notice

The notion of noticing refers to realizing something. When someone notices an issue, they notice it and become aware of its existence. The preposition "de" is obligatory. It is important to mention that, as explained by the Pan-Hispanic Dictionary of Doubts of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE), the verb percatar […]

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Definition of exhaust

The Latin word extenuāre came to Spanish as extenuar. This verb refers to weaken or break. Some example sentences For example: “The employers intend to exhaust the workers with comings and goings”, “The telephone company wants to exhaust me so that I do not continue with my claim, but I am not going to stop until […]

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Definition of datable

Dable is an adjective that allows us to describe what is feasible. What is given, therefore, is realizable or practicable. Something feasible As you can see, it is common for the idea of ​​datable to be used to construct expressions about what can, or cannot, be given. What is doable is also doable, a very […]

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Definition of neutralize

The notion of neutralize refers to making neutral: without participation, interference or intervention. The term usually refers to the action of canceling, revoking or compensating something. Some examples For example: «To neutralize the venom of this snake, we need a specific antidote that is not available in this hospital», «According to scientists, […]

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Definition of amazement

The first meaning of goshawk mentioned in the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) refers to what a goshawk does when it chases or catches other animals. A goshawk, meanwhile, is a bird of prey that is characterized by flying between trees to hunt its prey. Common Goshawk The common goshawk, […]

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Definition of abstruse

The Latin word abstrūsus, which can be translated as “hidden”, came to Spanish as abstruse. It is an adjective that is used to describe something that is difficult to understand. Difficult to understand The abstruse is something whose understanding is difficult. Therefore, it requires certain knowledge or intellectual effort. It is common that […]

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Definition of absorbed

The Latin word absorptus came into our language as absorbed. This adjective is used to describe someone who is stupefied, absorbed or very concentrated. Some examples Here are three example sentences to look at the term in context: “My teenager is so engrossed in his phone that he doesn't pay attention to me when […]

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Definition of hoot

Ulular is a verb that comes from the Latin word ululāre. The concept refers to uttering howls, screams or screams. Some example sentences For example: “When walking through the forest in the middle of the night, the hooting of the wolves was very frightening to me”, “There are those who believe that the hooting of an owl foreshadows misfortune, […]

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