

Latest articles in Language

Definition of understanding

The concept of understanding is related to the verb understand, which refers to understanding, justifying or containing something. Understanding, therefore, is the aptitude or cunning to reach an understanding of things. For example: "The students have serious problems understanding texts", "I am learning German, but I still have a hard time […]

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Definition of cacophony

Cacophony is an unpleasant sound that is generated when the combination of the different components of a word or phrase lack harmony, that is, they are unpleasant to the ear. As the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) explains, it is a term of Greek origin that means […]

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Definition of alliteration

Alliteration is, in tonal languages, the reiteration of a sound. When it is a verse of minor art, the repetition must be detected on more than one occasion, but in verses of major art, for there to be alliteration, at least three repetitions must be found. This is a frequent resource in […]

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Definition of language

Language is a term whose etymological origin comes from the Latin lingua, which was used to refer to the organ that we have inside the mouth and that we use both to eat and to speak. Precisely because of this last use, that of expressing ourselves, today the term basically has two meanings, which we will go on to […]

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Definition of verb

A verb is a type of word that can be modified to agree with the person, number, tense, manner, and aspect of the subject it speaks about. Originating from the Latin term verbum, the verb is the element of a sentence that sets the tone of existence and describes a […]

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Definition of metaphor

A metaphor is the application of a concept or expression to an idea or an object that it does not directly describe, with the intention of suggesting a comparison with another element and facilitating its understanding. For example: "Those two emeralds that he had as eyes shone on his face." The word comes from […]

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Definition of writing

The word redaction comes from the Latin term redactĭo and refers to the action and effect of writing (putting in writing something that happened, agreed or thought previously). Writing requires textual coherence and cohesion. Since the order of words within a sentence can modify the author's intention, it is necessary […]

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Definition of reading

Reading is the process of apprehending certain types of information contained in a particular medium that are transmitted through certain codes, such as language. That is, it is an action through which certain symbols are translated for understanding. You can opt for codes of type […]

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Definition of footer

Footnotes are those that offer additional information that is of interest to the reader, but that cannot be included within the current text in a fluid manner. Therefore, some type of call is made (such as an asterisk or a number) and the information is recorded at the end of the […]

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Definition of churre

The word churre is a regional term (regionalism) that is used mainly in certain regions of northern Peru, such as Piura. This concept is used to refer to boys and girls, often in a derogatory way. For example: “That churre has not behaved well and I had to punish him”, “La churre […]

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