

Latest articles in Language

Definition of clear

Claro is a term that has several uses linked to luminosity, both in a physical and symbolic sense. For example, it is something that can be easily differentiated, is easy to understand and is undoubtable: "It is clear that the robbery was committed by Laura"), "For the president, it is clear that some businessmen want a change [...]

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Definition of compound sentence

Compound sentences are expressions that involve the union of several sentences through coordinating links or by a juxtaposition pause (which is a union without a link of contiguous equifunctional elements). A sentence, in grammar, is a word or a set of words that has syntactic autonomy. A prayer, for […]

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Definition of simple sentence

The term prayer comes from the Latin oratio and has several uses. For grammar, it is the smallest possible syntactic constituent that is capable of expressing a logical proposition. Therefore, it is a word or a set of words with syntactic autonomy. A sentence is a combination of words that express an idea […]

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Definition of prayer

From the Latin oratio, the concept of prayer has various uses. In grammar, this term refers to the word or set of words with syntactic autonomy. This means that it is a unit of meaning that expresses complete grammatical coherence. The sentence is the smallest possible syntactic constituent that […]

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Definition of figurative language

Figurative language is that by which one word expresses an idea in terms of another, appealing to a similarity that may be real or imaginary. Figurative language is opposed to literal language, which assumes that words have the meaning that defines their exact meaning. For example: the term dog refers, […]

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Definition of rhyme

Rhyme is the repetition of a series of sounds. This is a technique that is usually used in poetry, where the repetition is generally found at the end of the verse starting with the stressed vowel that is located in the last place. When it comes to detailing what the concept means […]

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Definition of meaning

Acepción, a term that derives from the Latin acceptio, is a word that identifies the multiple meanings and uses that a certain word can have according to the context in which it appears. In other times, this same notion was also used as a synonym for acceptance or approval. In this way, we can say, for example, […]

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Definition of accent

The word accent derives from the Latin term accentus, which in turn has its origin in a Greek word. It is about the articulation of the voice to highlight, with pronunciation, a syllable of the word. This distinction occurs through greater intensity or thanks to a higher tone. In […]

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Definition of abbreviation

The term abbreviation has its origin in the Latin language. It is an orthographic type procedure that involves the reduction of a word through the deletion of final or central letters and that, generally, ends with a period. Some examples are: Atte. (for "sincerely"), Mr. (for "sir"), Dr. (for […]

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Definition of Greek

From the Latin graecus, the word Greek refers to that which is natural, belonging to or relating to Greece, a nation in southeastern Europe. This country is bordered to the south and west by the Ionian Sea and the Mediterranean Sea, to the east by Türkiye and to the north by Albania and Macedonia. The current Greek Prime Minister […]

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