

Latest articles in Language

Definition of pathetic

The term pathetic derives from the Latin pathetĭcus which, in turn, has origins in a Greek word that means "sensitive" or "that causes an impression." The dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) defines this adjective as something that can move the spirit vehemently, generating sensations such as heartbreak, heartbreak or nostalgia. For example: “The […]

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Definition of pusillanimous

From the Latin pusillanimis, pusillanimous is an adjective that mentions the lack of courage and courage to endure misfortunes or to overcome great challenges. Someone who is faint-hearted is fearful, doubtful and lacking in courage. For example: “Soldiers cannot be faint-hearted: they always have to act with determination and courage”, “Do not be faint-hearted and face […]

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Definition of parable

Parable is a term that comes from the Latin parabŏla and has its most remote origin in a Greek word. In the field of mathematics, the parabola is the geometric space of the points on a plane that are equidistant from a fixed point and a line. This place is created from […]

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Definition of oxymoron

The oxymoron is a literary figure that consists of combining two expressions of opposite meaning in the same structure, with the aim of generating a third concept with a new meaning. The study of its etymology shows that it is a word composed of two Greek terms, whose approximate meanings are "sharp" and "dumb", […]

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Definition of ordinary

From the Latin ordinarĭus, ordinary is an adjective that allows us to name something common and regular, that happens regularly or that is frequent. For example: "Don't worry, it is an ordinary and common illness among children under five years of age", "It is an ordinary fault that can appear in any house", "The […]

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Definition of spelling

From the Latin orthographia, orthography is the set of rules that regulate writing. It is part of normative grammar since it establishes the rules for the correct use of letters and punctuation marks. Spelling is born from a convention accepted by a linguistic community to preserve the unity of […]

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Definition of onomatopoeia

Onomatopoeia is a word that comes from the late Latin onomatopoeia, although its origin dates back to a Greek word. It is the imitation or recreation of the sound of something in the term that is used to mean it. It can also refer to visual phenomena. For example: “His vehicle was moving in a zigzag pattern until it crashed […]

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Definition of nomenclature

From the Latin nomenclatūra, nomenclature is a list of names of people or things. In biology, nomenclature is a subdiscipline of taxonomy that is responsible for regulating the names of taxa. In this way, confusion is avoided and the organization of scientific knowledge is facilitated. Chemical nomenclature is the set […]

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Definition of name

Originating from the Latin word nomen, the concept of name constitutes a notion that is intended for the identification of beings that can be animate or inanimate. It is a verbal name that is attributed to an individual, an animal, an object or any other entity, whether […]

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Definition of narration

Narration, from the Latin narratio, is a term that has three main uses. Firstly, it is about the action and effect of narrating (telling or telling a story, whether true or fictitious). A narrative is, on the other hand, a story or a novel: «The latest narrative by the acclaimed Canadian author takes place in the […]

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