

Latest articles in Language

Definition of tongue twisters

A tongue twister is a phrase or term whose pronunciation is very complicated (and, therefore, "ties" the tongue of the person trying to express it). It is usually used as a game or as an exercise to achieve a clear expression or way of speaking. The tongue twister, therefore, must be a text that, […]

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Definition of translation

Translation is the action and effect of translating (expressing in one language something that has been previously expressed or that is written in a different language). The term can refer both to the interpretation given to a text or speech and to the material work of the translator. This concept has its etymological origin […]

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Definition of advertising text

Advertising is the state or quality of public, although the concept usually refers to the dissemination of advertisements for commercial purposes. Advertising is that belonging to or related to advertising. A text, on the other hand, is a composition of signs encoded in a system, which forms a unit of meaning and has […]

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Definition of narrative text

A narrative text is one that includes the story of events that take place in a place over a certain period of time. This story includes the participation of various characters, who may be real or imaginary. It should be noted that the coherent set of statements that forms a unit of meaning and that […]

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Definition of informational text

An informative text aims to transmit reality objectively, since it tries to make known a fact, situation or circumstance as it happened. Information is the organized set of data that, through interpretation and rational use, can become knowledge. A text, for its part, is a coherent group […]

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Definition of expository text

The coherent set of statements with communicative intent is known as a text. The expository adjective, for its part, refers to the one or thing that exposes (that is, that makes something manifest or makes it known). These two concepts allow us to approach the definition of expository text. These are the […]

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Definition of plot

The word weft has its origins in a Latin word that refers to the group of threads that, combined and linked together, manage to give shape to a fabric. The word also designates the type of silk that, due to its characteristics, is useful for weaving. The plot is also the collusion or conspiracy that […]

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Definition of scientific text

A text is a coherent set of statements with communicative intent expressed through signs. The adjective scientific, for its part, names that which belongs to or is related to science (which is the set of methods and techniques that allow information to be organized). A scientific text, therefore, is based on the use […]

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Definition of didactic text

A text is a coherent set of signs that, encoded in a system, forms a unit of meaning and has a communicative intention. Didactics, for its part, is the area of ​​pedagogy linked to practical teaching methods. The didactic text, therefore, is one whose purpose is teaching. […]

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Definition of everything

The term everything comes from the Latin totus and refers to something that is taken or understood entirely. For example: if in a room there are eight men and no women, it can be said that all the attendees are men. In a given framework, the notion of everything is absolute (i.e. […]

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