

Latest articles in Language

Definition of explicit

From the Latin explicĭtus, explicit is that which expresses something with clarity and determination. When something is explicit, it can be appreciated or noticed clearly, without a doubt. For example: “The actor made his bad day explicit by insulting the journalists who were covering the event”, “Explicit violence on television does not […]

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Definition of explanation

Explanation comes from the Latin explicatĭo and refers to an exposition of a subject, doctrine or text with sufficient clarity to make it more perceptible. This statement helps to bring to light or make visible the content or meaning of something. For example: “Excuse me, teacher, but the explanation of the problem does not […]

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Definition of letter

A letter is a piece of paper that carries a written message and is usually placed inside an envelope to protect its contents. Letters (a term from the Latin charta) are sent by one individual to another with the intention of transmitting a message. For example: «My mother told me that she sent me […]

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Definition of comment

A comment is an opinion, opinion, judgment or consideration that someone makes about another person or something. This mention can be developed orally or in writing. For example: «When judging another person's work, destructive comments are never welcome», «The coach promised to explain the reason […]

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Definition of present

Originating from the Latin word praesens, present is a concept with multiple uses and meanings. It is an adjective that allows us to refer to the time that passes at the current moment or to the time in which a person is when they tell something. To cite some examples: “You can't always be thinking […]

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Definition of brief

Brief is an adjective that refers to something of short length or duration. A brief thing, therefore, is characterized by its limited and summarized character either in relation to time and/or space. To cite some examples: “With a very brief speech, the coach announced that he would leave the team at the end […]

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Definition of rhetoric

Rhetoric is the discipline that studies and systematizes the language used in different fields of knowledge (such as natural sciences, narratology, political sciences and educational sciences), allowing communication in each field to achieve the objectives set. poses, both communicative and aesthetic. This discipline allows […]

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Definition of registration

Inscription is the action and effect of inscribing (recording signs or an image, writing down a person's name for a specific object). The term is used to name the annotation or record of someone or something. For example: “Registration for the summer course is now open”, “I have to pay two hundred dollars […]

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Definition of expression

From the Latin expressio, an expression is a declaration of something to make it understood. It can be a speech, a gesture or a body movement. Expression allows feelings or ideas to be externalized: when the act of expressing transcends the intimacy of the subject, it becomes a message that the sender transmits to a receiver. Shapes […]

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Definition of content

Content is something that is contained within a thing. The term is usually used to name the product that is in a container or container. For example: “The bottle is very large and attractive, but the content is scarce”, “The characteristics of the content may differ from those expressed in its description”, “I have to carry […]

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