

Latest articles in Language

Definition of lapse

Lapsus is a Latin term that can be translated as "slip." The concept is used to name the mistake or fault that is committed due to carelessness. For example: "Sorry I confused your name, I made a mistake", "The minister's mistake generated laughter among those present", "Grandma had a mistake and kept the […]

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Definition of languid

Languid is an adjective from the Latin languidus that refers to someone who is thin or tired, with a weak appearance. The term can also refer to a subject of little spirit or energy. For example: “The strong man did not hesitate to hit the languid boy, causing serious injuries”, “Someday I am going to go to the gym and […]

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Definition of ladino

From the Latin latinus (“Latin”), ladino is a concept that can have very different meanings. It can be the adjective that indicates that someone is sagacious, cunning or devious. For example: “Be careful with Raúl: he is a sneaky man who always seems to be one step ahead of others”, “The experts agreed that the pilot […]

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Definition of straight

Straight is an adjective that, said about hair, means that it falls without forming curls or waves. It can be said that straight hair, therefore, is hair that appears straight and has no waves. For example: “I love how straight hair looks on you”, “A straight hairstyle lasts a few […]

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Definition of laconic

Laconic is an adjective - also mentioned as laconian - that refers to someone who is a native of Laconia, a nation of ancient Greece. The most important city in this region, which today is a Greek peripheral unit, was Sparta. Establishing the etymological origin of the laconic term leads us to orient ourselves, in this way, to the Greek language. […]

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Definition of missive

A letter is a written message that a sender (sender) sends to a recipient (receiver). Originating from the Latin missus, which is a conjugation of the verb mittere (“send”), it is the letter or paper that is sent to someone. For example: “I just received a letter from my Italian cousins”, “The […]

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Definition of capital letter

The etymological origin of the capital letter that we now have to analyze in depth is found in Latin. Specifically, it emanates from the word “maisculus”, which is the result of the sum of two components: “maior”, which is equivalent to “greater”, and the suffix “-cula”, which is diminutive. The capital is something enormous or greater […]

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Comparison Definition

Comparison (from Latin comparatio) is the action and effect of comparing. This verb refers to focusing attention on two or more things to recognize their differences and similarities and to discover their relationships. To compare, therefore, is to compare. For example: “The comparison between the two space rockets shows that the American one is much […]

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Definition of idiom

An idiom is a fixed expression whose meaning cannot be deduced from the words that compose it. It is a linguistic custom that allows you to condense an idea into a few words and transmit said concept to all those who share the same language. Sometimes idioms are confused with proverbs, although these […]

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Definition of redundancy

Redundancy is a term that describes what is abundant or excessive compared to a thing or context. The concept, originating in the Latin redundantĭa, is used to name the excessive or colossal use of an idea or a word, as well as the repetition of data included in texts or messages that allows, despite […]

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