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Definition of apothegm

Apothegma is a term that comes from the Latin word apophthegma, although its most distant origin is found in the Greek language. Specifically, we have to state that apothegm originally comes from a Greek word that was made up of two clearly differentiated parts: the particle apo, which can be translated as "outside" or "far away"; and the […]

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Definition of apology

From the Latin apologia, although with more distant origins in a Greek word, the apology is the speech made in defense or praise of something or someone. These are oral, written or other expressions that are disseminated with the intention of providing support to a person, an organization or a cause. […]

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Definition of alt

Alt is a term that is not part of the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE), although its use is very frequent in the field of computing. The Alt key, also known as the Alternative key, is part of computer keyboards and is used to access certain menus and shortcuts. […]

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Definition of high

Alta is a term with several meanings depending on the context. It may be the authorization that a doctor grants to his patient so that he can return to ordinary life and resume his daily activities. For example: “I am very happy: the doctor told me that, if everything continues like this, next week I will […]

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Definition of early

Early is a term whose etymological origin takes us to the Latin word temporanĕus. The concept, which is used to name something that is prior to or prior to ordinary or regular time, can be used as an adjective or adverb. Whoever arrives early to a place, therefore, will have arrived ahead of schedule or […]

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Definition of vernacular

In order to understand the meaning of the vernacular term, it is necessary to first determine its etymological origin. In this sense, we would have to say that it emanates from Latin, from vernaculus, which was used to refer to everything related to a country. However, we cannot ignore that this word […]

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Definition of truthful

Veridical is an adjective from the Latin veridicus that refers to one or that which says or includes truth. This term (truth) is linked to the conformity of what is said with what one feels or thinks, or to the conformity of things with respect to the concept that is formed in the mind about […]

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Definition of absence

If we want to know the etymological origin of the term absence, we would have to go to Latin, symbolically speaking. And it comes from the Latin word absentia, which in turn derives from absens, which can be translated as "that is out of place." Absence is the action and effect of being absent or being absent. He […]

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Definition of imminent

Imminent is a term originating from the Latin word immĭnens which, in turn, produces imminēre (“threaten”). Specifically, we can determine that it is a word that is made up of three Latin elements: • The prefix in-, which is used to indicate that something is inside or that it enters. • The verb minare, […]

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Definition of immense

Immense is something very large and, therefore, very difficult to measure or count. This adjective is also used to name that which has no measure or is unlimited or infinite. For example: “Jacques got lost in the immense desert and feared for his life, until he reached a […]

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