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Definition of periphrasis

Períphrasis is a word that in the field of rhetoric is used as a synonym for circumlocution or circumlocution, a figure that is specified by mentioning with many words what could be designated with fewer. Its objective is to add beauty to the expression or emphasize some of its parts. Determine the etymological origin of the term […]

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Definition of dequeism

Dequeism is a concept that is used in grammar to name the incorrect use of the expression "of that." The notion, therefore, refers to an inappropriate way of using "of" (a preposition) together with "that" (conjunction) in the same sentence. In current times, dequeism has become […]

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Definition of despicable

Despicable is an adjective that is used to name something of little value and that is not worthy of appreciation or admiration. The term is also used to describe something that can break or destroy easily, that has a short useful life or that does not have good resistance. This adjective, therefore […]

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Definition of deixis

Deixis, which can also be indicated as deixis, is a term that comes from the Greek language and is used in linguistics. Deixis is the indication that is specified through components (called indexicals) that refer to a subject, a thing, a time or a place. The deixis, therefore, is […]

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Definition of rhetorical question

Rhetorical questions are those that are asked without waiting for an answer. They may not even have a specific recipient. Generally, when we ask someone something, what we usually do is question the person in question with the aim of getting them to give us an answer with the information we are looking for. From this […]

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Definition of premise

Premise is a term originating from the Latin praemissus. The concept is used to name the indication, symptom or conjecture that allows us to infer something and draw a conclusion. For logic and philosophy, therefore, premises are those propositions that precede the conclusion. This means that said conclusion derives […]

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Definition of question

The term question has its etymological origin in Latin. And it is the result of the sum of two components of said language: the prefix "pre-", which means "before", and the verb "cunctari", which can be translated as "doubt" or "delay". A question is an interpellation that is made with the intention of obtaining some type […]

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Definition of prefix

The Latin term "praefixus", which can be translated as "on position", is the word from which the current "prefix" that we are now going to analyze is derived. Specifically, it is made up of two different parts: "pre", which is equivalent to "before", and the verb "figere", which is synonymous with "fix". A prefix is ​​[…]

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Definition of predicate

The predicate is one of the components of a grammatical sentence according to linguistics and grammar. Before proceeding to determine the meaning of the term, it is necessary to record its etymological origin. In this sense, we can establish that it emanates from Latin and that it is the result of the sum […]

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Definition of dimension

It is in Latin that we can find the etymological origin of the term anotation that concerns us now. Specifically, it is the result of the sum of three Latin components: • The prefix "ad", which means "towards". • The word “cautus”, which is synonymous with “careful”. • The suffix «-ción», which is used to indicate «cause […]

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