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Definition of why

Because it is a word that, depending on the place it occupies in the sentence, its spelling and its intonation, can be a conjunction, a noun or an interrogative expression. Here we tell you what each case is and how to differentiate one from the other. When used as a conjunction, because it is formed with the words “for” and “that” […]

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Definition of detail

Details is a concept that refers to the accessory or specific characteristics of something. The details of something, therefore, are its details. For example: “I want to know all the details of the agreement you just signed”, “The club did not inform the details but confirmed the departure of the coach”, “Matías did not tell me […]

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Definition of polysyndeton

Polysyndeton is a term that comes from the Latin polysyndeton, although the most distant etymological root is found in the Greek language. It is a rhetorical figure that is based on the repetition of conjunctions to reinforce the expressiveness of a notion. This implies that, when you appeal to this figure, you will be linking propositions […]

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Definition of polysemous

Polysemic is an adjective that is used in the field of linguistics to describe what is linked to polysemy. This concept, for its part, refers to the condition of a word or speech that has several meanings. A polysemic term, therefore, is one that has various […]

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Definition of pololo

Pololo is a concept with different meanings. The term can be used in reference to certain types of pants that are generally worn by young children. A bloomer, in this sense, can be shorts and baggy pants worn by a boy, or a garment used by girls for physical activity. […]

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Definition of pollerudo

Pollerudo is a notion linked to the term pollera, which is used to name the skirt (a piece of female clothing that covers part or all of the legs). This adjective, in its literal sense, refers to a dress whose skirt is very large or extensive. For example: “I don't want to wear something so filthy, I prefer […]

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Definition of pleonasm

Pleonasm is a Greek concept derived from pleonasmus that is used in our language to name a type of rhetorical figure. This consists of the use of terms that reinforce what is said in an expression but do not add valuable information since, without them, the phrase would be understood the same. In other words, […]

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Definition of heavy

Heavy is an adjective that refers to something that has a lot of weight. Weight (from Latin pensum) is the force exerted by the Earth to attract a body and the magnitude of this force. In colloquial language, however, weight is usually used as a synonym for mass, which refers to the amount of matter […]

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Definition of but

But it is an adversative conjunction that produces a contrast between two propositions. Like all conjunctions, its purpose is to act as a link, linking sentences, words, etc. In the specific case of the conjunction but, what it does is oppose one concept to another to qualify it, expand it or confront it. For example: “I'm not going to […]

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Definition of talk

Talk is a term used to name the talk or dialogue that takes place when one person talks to another person or others. Its etymological origin is found in the Latin word platica, which was used as a synonym for “rudimentary.” For example: “After half an hour of talking with the players, the […]

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