

Latest articles in History

Definition of totalitarianism

Totalitarianism is a regime characterized by the concentration of all state powers in the ruling party. In totalitarianism, the state exercises control over social ties and activities and imposes the official ideology in a coercive manner. This hegemonic power is usually led by a charismatic leader, who is […]

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Definition of welfare state

To understand what the welfare state is, it is important to analyze the words that make up the expression. First of all, we must point out that the idea of ​​state is associated with the independent and sovereign structure that establishes how a territory is politically organized. Well-being, meanwhile, is linked to the satisfaction of the needs of the population.

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Definition of World War II

World War II took place between 1939 and 1945, being one of the most tragic wars in the history of mankind. Most countries intervened in this conflict, including the main global powers. It is estimated that, in the framework of World War II, up to 70 people may have died.

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Definition of World War I

The First World War was a military conflict that lasted four years (1914–1918). The main European powers of the time participated in the conflict, as well as other nations. Initially, this confrontation was simply known as the World War or the Great War. Later, after the development of another war, the war began.

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Definition of scientific revolution

The idea of ​​revolution can refer to a profound and generally abrupt modification of a structure. Scientific, meanwhile, refers to that which is linked to science: the set of organized and systematized knowledge that is obtained from observation and the use of reason. Science is also the name given to each discipline […]

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Definition of cultural heritage

Heritage refers to those rights and assets that one possesses. Anything related to culture, on the other hand, is classified as cultural. Based on these ideas, we can affirm that cultural heritage is the heritage of a culture, which is preserved over time and transmitted from generation to generation. These assets are […]

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Definition of Asia

The continent with the largest population and the largest surface area is Asia. It is located between the Indian Ocean (to the south), the Arctic Ocean (to the north), the Pacific Ocean (to the east) and the Ural Mountains (to the west). Due to its geographical location, Asia is located in the northern hemisphere of the planet Earth. It is […]

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Definition of Latin American Boom

Boom is the rise or peak of something, usually produced suddenly. The adjective Latin American, meanwhile, refers to something linked to Latin America: the region formed by the countries of America where languages ​​derived from Latin are spoken (especially Portuguese or Spanish). The idea of ​​​​Latin American Boom, in this sense, is a term that refers to the rise or peak of something, generally produced suddenly.

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Definition of Europe

Europe is the name given to the continent that borders Asia to the east; the Atlantic Ocean to the west; the Arctic Ocean to the north; and the Mediterranean Sea to the south. It is part of the Eurasian supercontinent and is located in the northern hemisphere of the planet Earth. With an area of ​​just over […]

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Definition of Africa

Africa is the name of the continent located between the Indian and Atlantic oceans. With an area of ​​just over 30,000,000 square kilometers, it is behind Asia and America in terms of territorial extension. In Africa, there are currently 54 recognized countries (i.e. States with sovereignty). In addition, there are territories that […]

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