

Latest articles in History

Definition of primitive communism

Communism has its etymological origin in the French word communisme. This word is formed with the components commun (which can be translated as “common”) and -isme (the suffix “-ism”). Communism is a movement and doctrine that promotes that the means of production should not be private. Emerging in the 19th century, it promotes class struggle. The […]

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Definition of Treaty of Versailles

The etymology of treaty leads us to the Latin word tractātus. The concept is used to refer to the conclusion of a matter that is reached by reaching an agreement after analysis and negotiation. The document that includes such closure or adjustment is also called treaty and the document that revolves around […]

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Definition of Cristero War

War is a term that comes from the Germanic word werra, which can be translated as “fight”. This word, in turn, has etymological links with the Middle Dutch word warre and the Old High German word wërra. The idea of ​​war refers to an armed conflict between two or more countries. It can also refer to a military conflict between […]

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Definition of Mexican miracle

The dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) indicates that miracle comes from miraglo. This term, which is no longer used, comes from the Latin word miracŭlum. A miracle or miraglo is an event that is out of the ordinary or that cannot be explained according to the laws of nature. It is usually […]

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Definition of Maximato

The notion of Maximato is not part of the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE). The term is used to refer to a historical period in Mexico that lasted between 1928 and 1934. The name of the period derives from the nickname of Plutarco Elías Calles, known as “Maximum Chief of the Revolution”. The period […]

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Definition of Norse mythology

The concept of mythology comes from the late Latin mythologĭa, which in turn is derived from the Greek word mythologia. The term refers to the set of various myths of a community. A myth, in turn, is a story that has heroic or divine beings as protagonists. These narratives are located beyond the […]

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Definition of art nouveau

Art Nouveau is a French term that refers to an artistic and architectural movement that developed between the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century. The concept is often used as a synonym for modernism. Before moving forward, it is important to note that the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy of Fine Arts (RAF) states that the term “art nouveau” refers to the art nouveau style, which is a form of art that is used in the sense of a modernist style.

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Definition of obituary

The etymology of obituary is not clear, according to the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) dictionary. The term has several uses depending on the context, although it is always associated with a notification or a message. The first meaning mentioned by the RAE refers to the notice of the death of an individual who […]

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Definition of business cycle

The Greek word kýklos, which can be translated as “wheel” or “circle”, came to Latin as cyclus. This is the closest etymological antecedent of cycle, a term that has several meanings. A cycle can be a succession of phases or a time period that, at the end, begins again. Cycles are also series of operations, […]

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Definition of animism

The etymology of animism refers to the French word animisme. This word is formed from the Latin anĭma (which can be translated as “life” or “soul”) and the French suffix –isme (in our language, “-ism”, used to form nouns that mean movement, doctrine, tendency or system, for example). The concept of animism has several meanings […]

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