

Latest articles in History

Definition of coffin

In order to understand the meaning of the term coffin, it is necessary, first of all, to discover its etymological origin. In this case, we can emphasize that it is a word that derives from Latin, exactly from “feretrum”, which is the result of the sum of two lexical components of said language: the verb “ferre”, which can be used to refer to the […]

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Definition of fax

The term fax, which comes from the English language, is an abbreviation of facsimile (or facsimile, in our language). The term has several meanings within the same context. The first meaning of fax mentioned by the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) in its dictionary refers to a system that enables the transmission of graphics and texts […]

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Definition of Pharaoh

The term Pharaoh followed an etymological path that began in the Egyptian language and, after passing through Hebrew and Greek, reached late Latin before arriving in our language. The original meaning alluded to the “big house”, a concept that could be used to designate the royal residence and, by extension, the monarch. It is […]

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Definition of faction

The etymological origin of the term we are dealing with here is found in Latin. Factio comes from “factio”, which can be translated as “part of a whole” and is the result of the sum of two lexical components: -The verb “facere”, which is synonymous with “to do”. -The suffix “-cion”, which is used to indicate […]

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Definition of exodus

The etymological origin of the term exodus that we are now dealing with is in Greek. It comes from the word “exodos”, which is the result of the union of two clearly defined components: -The prefix “ex-”, which can be translated as “outwards”. -The noun “hodos”, which is synonymous with “path”. It is also interesting to know that […]

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Definition of excommunicate

The notion of excommunicate is used in the field of religion to name the action of excluding an individual from the use of the sacraments and from the communion of believers. The concept derives from the late Latin word excommunicare. By excommunicating a person, he is excluded from a community of believers.

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Definition of eunuch

The etymological origin of eunuch is found in the Greek word eunoûchos, which derived from the Latin eunūchus. A eunuch is a man who has been subjected to castration (that is, the removal of his sexual organs). The eunuch may have suffered partial or total castration. When ablation is performed, both male and female […]

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Definition of ether

The Greek word aithḗr came to Latin as aether, which in our language became ether. The term has several uses depending on the context. In the field of chemistry, ether is a compound that is formed by the bond of two alcohol molecules, which lose a water molecule. The ethers are […]

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Definition of stove

Depending on the region, the idea of ​​a stove can refer to two different objects. In some countries, a stove is a device used to heat a room by combustion or with electric energy. In other countries, however, a stove is a device used for cooking. A stove, for example, is a device that is used to heat a room.

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Definition of stirrups

Stirrups are metal, leather or wooden elements that allow a rider to rest his feet. These pieces are attached to the saddle by a rope called a stirrup. When riding, the rider puts his feet in the stirrups to secure himself. This way he can stay on the horse and […]

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