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Definition of galleon

Before going into the definition of the term galleon, let’s take a look at its etymological origin. In this case, we can say that it is a word that derives from Latin, specifically from “gálea”, which, in turn, comes from the Greek “galée”. A galleon is an ancient ship similar to a galley, equipped with […]

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Definition of galley

It must be established that there are different theories about the etymological origin of the term galley. Thus, there are some that indicate that it derives from Greek, specifically from “galeá”, which was used to refer to the selachian fish. On the other hand, there are those that establish that it directly emanates from Latin, specifically from “galea”, which can be translated as […]

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Definition of frieze

The idea of ​​a frieze is used in the fields of decoration and architecture. A frieze is the strip that is painted on the lower section of a wall, in a different color than the rest of the surface. The frieze can also be created with paper, marble, wood or other material. In this case, […]

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Definition of friar

The Latin word frater, which can be translated as “brother”, came to Occitan as fraire. From this term comes the word fraile, a word that in our language refers to religious people of certain orders. For the Catholic Church, friars are members of the mendicant orders that emerged in the 13th century. Friars, therefore, are members of the religious orders that […]

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Definition of forge

The first thing we are going to do is to know the etymological origin of the term forge. In this case, we can state that it is a word that derives from Latin, specifically from “fabrica”, which can be translated as “craftsman’s workshop” and which emanates, in turn, from the noun “faber”, which is synonymous with “craftsman”. The concept […]

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Definition of fort

The notion of fort derives from fort: a fortified space that has a defensive structure to resist enemy attacks. In this context, a fort is a small fort. It can therefore be said that a fort is a type of fort that is distinguished by its small size. Forts were usually built in the 16th century.

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Definition of Fordism

The concept of Fordism refers to the system based on mass production. Its name comes from Henry Ford, the founder of the Ford Motor Company vehicle manufacturer. It is important to note that Henry Ford popularized the assembly line that had been invented by Ransom Eli Olds, one of the most important figures in the history of the […]

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Definition of outlaw

According to the first definition mentioned by the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE), an outlaw is a person who commits crime by staying away from cities and towns to avoid security forces. The outlaw, therefore, commits crimes and then moves to escape the actions of the police.

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Definition of filibuster

The French word flibustier came to our language as filibuster. However, it must be taken into account that this Gallic term is considered to derive from English, exactly from frebetter, which, in turn, emanates from Dutch. Specifically, from vrijbuiter, which can be translated as “pirate”. The term is used to name pirates […]

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Definition of feudalism

Feudalism is a form of social organization that was in force in the Middle Ages. This system was structured on the basis of fiefs: a contract by which a feudal lord or a monarch gave another individual usufruct income or a piece of land in exchange for various services (such as the obligation to provide service […]

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