

Latest articles in History

Definition of lyre

A lyre is a stringed musical instrument that was used in ancient times. The concept comes from the Latin word lyra, which in turn comes from the Greek lýra. The lyre had between three and eighteen taut strings that were adjusted in a frame. The musicians played them with both hands to generate the sound, […]

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Definition of timeline

In order to understand the meaning of the term timeline that we are dealing with here, we will proceed, first of all, to discover the etymological origin of the two main words that give it its form: -Line comes from Latin, specifically from “lineus, linea” which can be translated as “linen”. -Time, for its part, also comes from […]

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Definition of lineage

The etymological root of lineage is not clear. The term could come from the Catalan word llinyatge or from the Occitan linhatge, according to the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE). Lineage is the descent or ancestry of a family group. The concept is used especially when it comes to a family […]

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Definition of uprising

The first thing we are going to do before going into the meaning of the term uprising that we are dealing with here is to determine its etymological origin. In this case, we can underline that it comes from Latin. It is exactly the result of the union of two lexical components of said language: -The word “levans, levantis”, which can be […]

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Definition of crimes against humanity

The Latin word laedĕre, which can be translated as “to harm”, derived from laesus. This term came to our language as lesa, an adjective that allows us to refer to that or that which has been harmed. The idea of ​​humanity, on the other hand, refers to the human race or to human nature, among other meanings. Humanity, for example, refers to the human race or to human nature.

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Definition of legacy

Legacy is a term derived from the Latin word legātum. In everyday language, the idea refers to the material or symbolic elements that a person leaves to his successors. The legacy can be associated with an inheritance. It is what an individual transmits to other subjects, usually his descendants, disciples, apprentices, […]

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Definition of lapidary

The concept of lapidary comes from the Latin word lapidarius, which means “short” and which, in turn, comes from the Latin noun “lapis, lapidis”, which can be translated as “stone”. The first meaning mentioned by the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) in its dictionary refers to that which is linked to precious stones (stones that, due to their transparency, hardness […]

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Definition of spear

The Latin word lancea came to our language as a lance. This is the name given to a weapon consisting of a long rod with a sharp point at its end. The origin of lances is very ancient. It is estimated that this type of weapon was already used on the African continent some 500,000 years ago: […]

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Definition of Keynesianism

The idea of ​​Keynesianism comes from the thought of John Maynard Keynes, an English economist born in 1883 and died in 1946. The concept refers to the principles that this specialist expressed in “The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money”, a book he presented in 1936. Keynes published his most important work as a […]

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Definition of kamikaze

It is in Japanese that we can establish that the etymological origin of the term kamikaze that we are now dealing with can be found. Specifically, we can establish that it was formed from the sum of two lexical components of that language: -The noun «kami», which can be translated as «God». -The word «kaze», which is synonymous with «wind» […]

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