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Definition of heraldry

Heraldry is the art or science of blazonry: the description of coats of arms. A coat of arms, meanwhile, is an emblem through which a family or a State is represented. Law, art and history Heraldry can be said to combine elements of law, art and history.

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Definition of epigraphy

The Greek word epigraphḗ, which can be translated as “inscription”, came to modern Latin as epigraphia. In Spanish, the concept became epigraphy: this is the name given to the scientific discipline that is dedicated to analyzing inscriptions. The term inscription, meanwhile, has several uses. On this occasion, we will focus on its meaning as a […]

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Definition of rampant

The notion of rampant comes from the French word rampant, which in turn comes from the Old French word ramper (which can be translated as “to climb”). The term is used in the field of heraldry to refer to the animal that, on a shield, is represented with an open hand and its claws in a position to grab or seize. […]

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Definition of carat

The etymological journey of carat begins with kerátion, a Greek word that can be translated as “the weight of four grains”. This term derived from the classical Arabic qīrāṭ, which in turn reached Hispanic Arabic as qiráṭ. A carat is a unit of weight used in precious stones and […]

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Definition of pulperia

The term pulpería is used in several Latin American countries to refer to the business where food and various frequently used products are offered. According to the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE), the term derives from pulp, since in the beginning they sold fruits and sweets that were made from pulp.

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Definition of pucara

Pucará, also known as pucara, is a term of Quechua origin that is used to refer to a type of fortress built by aboriginal peoples of the American continent. These structures, which were built in high areas, were developed with pircas: dry stone walls. Pucarás were common in Andean cultures distributed in parts of the Americas.

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Definition of prosopography

Prosopography is the description of an individual’s external characteristics. The term is often used in the field of rhetoric. Physical appearance Prosopography focuses on physical appearance. It can detail issues related to appearance, such as eye and hair color, height and posture.

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Definition of first triumvirate

The term triumvirate comes from the Latin word triumvirātus. The concept can be used to refer to the board of three individuals who manage or direct an organization or a matter. The adjective first (or first), meanwhile, refers to that or that which precedes the rest in position, hierarchy or time. Throughout history, […]

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Definition of First Board

The First Government Junta, colloquially known as the Primera Junta, was established on May 25, 1810 in the Viceroyalty of the Río de la Plata. It was the government formed after the victory of the May Revolution that allowed the dismissal of Baltasar Hidalgo de Cisneros, who had been viceroy until then. On behalf of […]

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Definition of presidentialism

Presidentialism is the political system whose organization is based on the president acting as head of government, without needing the support of the legislative chambers. In this way, the president is the formal representative of the nation and the person with the highest responsibility for the executive branch. Origin and division of powers A presidential regime […]

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