

Latest articles in History

Definition of constitutionalism

Constitutionalism is the political system that is based on the rule of the Constitution: the highest law of a State, which establishes limits, freedoms, obligations and rights for citizens and rulers. The notion of constitutionalism is also used to refer to the ideology that drives this type of political organization and […]

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Definition of neocolonialism

Neocolonialism is a notion that is formed by the compositional element neo- (which refers to the “new”) and the noun colonialism (the doctrine that aims to establish and direct colonies). Before moving forward, it is important to mention that a colony is a region that is under the control of a foreign power. The idea of ​​a colony is […]

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Definition of numismatics

The Greek word nomisma came to Latin as numisma, which can be translated as “coin”. This term, in turn, allowed the creation of the French notion of numismatique. This is the etymological path of numismatics, a concept that refers to the analysis and collecting of medals and coins, especially those that are of a certain age.

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Definition of monotheism

Monotheism is the belief that there is only one god. Christianity, Judaism and Islam are some of the monotheistic religions with the largest number of followers. For monotheism, there is only one god who is the creator of the universe. This God is all-powerful and eternal. For polytheism, on the other hand, […]

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Definition of pictograph

The notion of pictography comes from the Latin word pictus. The term refers to a type of ideographic writing: that is, one that uses conventional symbols or images to represent ideas, without fixed words that are responsible for their meaning. Writing that emerged in the Neolithic In the specific case of pictography, the symbols used in the writing were […]

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Definition of archon

Archon is a term that comes from the Latin archon, in turn derived from the Greek árchōn. According to the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE), this was the name given to the various magistrates who, after the death of King Codrus, directed the destinies of Athens. Codrus Codrus lived between the years 1089 and 1068 before […]

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Definition of banner

A pennant is a banner or flag that, in ancient times, was used to distinguish military bodies, brotherhoods and other groups. Banners, therefore, are insignia or badges. The first banners were born as individual symbols. From the 10th century and approximately until the 13th century, it was common for banners to be used as a symbol […]

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Definition of historicism

Historicism is the philosophical trend that limits reality to historical development. According to this position, everything is a product of historicity. Experiencing what we are The German Leopold von Ranke and the Italian Benedetto Croce are considered the fathers of historicism. This theory considers that the being […]

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Definition of Eurocentrism

The notion of Eurocentrism refers to the tendency to take European traditions and values ​​as universal standards. This tendency leads to considering the culture, social organization and political system of Europe as superior to those of the rest of the world. Europe at the centre As the term itself indicates, […]

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Definition of Mesoamerica

There are several notions linked to America that often give rise to confusion, such as Ibero-America or Hispanic America. These are terms that refer to specific characteristics to establish regions or divisions within the continent. Mexico and Central America On this occasion we are going to focus on Mesoamerica. This denomination allows us to refer to the areas of Mexico […]

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