

Latest articles in History

Definition of manumission

Manumission is the act and result of manumitting: granting freedom to a person who was subjected to slavery. The term comes from the Latin manumissio. A slave is an individual who is dominated by another (his master): that is, he is not free. The slave, therefore, is the property of the master, who […]

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Definition of nineteenth century

Nineteenth-century is an adjective used to refer to anything related to the 19th century. This means that the nineteenth century occurred, took place or had influence between January 1, 1801 and December 31, 1900. Nineteenth-century era The nineteenth century was characterized by great social and economic transformations. […]

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Definition of glaciation

The concept of glaciation, derived from the French glaciation, refers to the process that leads to the formation of glaciers: large masses of ice. The term is also used in the field of geology to refer to the advance of ice in large areas of the continents, a fact that was repeated at different times […]

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Definition of chronography

The term chronography comes from the late Latin chronographĭa, which in turn is derived from the Greek word chronographía. This is the name given to the description of various events or characters in a chronological manner: that is, according to a chronology (a temporal order). Chronography is one of the literary figures. It allows us to describe the time in which a story is set […]

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Definition of sedentarization

Sedentarization is the act and consequence of becoming sedentary. This verb (sedentarize), in turn, refers to making someone become sedentary. Before moving forward with the idea of ​​sedentarization, it is important to indicate that a sedentary people is one that is settled in a particular place, as opposed to a group of people living in a different place.

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Definition of uprising

The act and result of revolting is called uprising: fomenting a protest, inciting sedition. The term comes from the Latin word sublevatio. Rebellion Uprising is a rebellion against a government or an authority. Those who carry out the action can be civilians or military. It is important to mention that the idea of ​​uprising is […]

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Definition of patristics

Patristics is the discipline dedicated to the investigation of the life, work and thought of the Holy Fathers. This is the name given to the theologians and priests who are considered to be the continuators of the work of the apostles and responsible for the consolidation of Christianity. Early Christianity The Holy Fathers are credited with the creation of […]

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Definition of expansionism

Expansionism is the tendency of a nation or a company to expand, increasing its influence or dominance. Thus, expansionism implies an increase in power. A state usually turns to expansionism for economic purposes. There are various methods that allow expansionism to be developed: in some cases, it even appeals to […]

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Definition of hemerography

The notion of hemerography is not included in the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE). However, it is a neologism that can be considered appropriate to refer to the action and result of collecting, describing and analyzing journalistic content. Hemero- comes from the Greek language and is linked to the “day”. The compositional element […]

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Definition of indigenism

The concept of indigenism can be understood in different ways. According to the first meaning mentioned by the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) in its dictionary, this is the name given to the set of studies focused on the aboriginal populations of the American continent that are currently found in nations where there is a predominance of European civilization. […]

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