

Latest articles in History

Definition of ethnohistory

Ethnohistory is a scientific discipline that combines resources and analysis from anthropology and history. It is a branch of knowledge that introduces a historical point of view in the approach to anthropological problems. Before moving forward, it is important to mention that the definition of ethnohistory is often a subject of debate. […]

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Definition of hagiography

A hagiography is a biographical document focusing on the life of a saint. It is therefore a text that tells the story of a person who has been sanctified. The person who creates a hagiography is known as a hagiographer. This term is also used to name the authors of books […]

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Definition of sarcophagus

The Greek word sarkophágos, which can be translated as “meat-eater”, came into Latin as sarcophăgum. This is the closest etymological antecedent of sarcophagus, a term used to refer to the structure used to bury a corpse. A sepulchre A sarcophagus, therefore, is a sepulchre. These works are erected […]

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Definition of tenancy

The term inquilinaje is used in Chile. The dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) recognizes two meanings of the term. The first meaning mentioned by the RAE refers to the group of tenants. The second, to the system that was developed in a rural environment with the participation of tenants. To understand what inquilinaje is, we must first […]

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Definition of adarga

The term adarga comes from the Hispanic Arabic addárqa, which in turn is derived from the classical Arabic daraqah. An adarga is a shield with an oval or heart shape that is made of leather. The origins of adargas can be found in Al-Andalus, when they were used by Muslims who were part of the cavalry. With […]

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Definition of Menshevik

Menshevik is a term that comes from the French word menchevik, which in turn is derived from the Russian word men'shevik, which can be translated as "one of the minority." It is an adjective that can be used to describe someone who was part of the minority group of the Russian Social Democratic Workers' Party (RSDLP). Historical context It is impossible to understand the notion of Menshevik […]

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Definition of Paleoindian

The Paleo-Indian is the historical period of the American continent that covers the events that took place up to the year 8000 BC. Also known as Paleo-American, during this phase the linguistic and ethnic variety that characterized the entire pre-Columbian period began to take shape. The beginning of the human population of America is not clear. There are […]

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Definition of tunic

A tunic is an item of clothing that is characterized by its length and width. This garment, of great antiquity, covers from the neck to the legs. It is important to mention that the term can refer to different garments that have similar characteristics. The clothing that certain religious people wear under their habits […]

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Definition of Anglo-Saxon

Anglo-Saxon is a word from medieval Latin that came to Spanish as Anglo-Saxon. The concept can be used to describe someone who speaks the English language or is originally from England. For example: “The members of the royal guard, with their tall hats, constitute one of the most famous Anglo-Saxon postcards worldwide”, “In my […]

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Definition of Leninism

Leninism is a doctrine promoted by the Russian revolutionary Vladimir Ilich Ulyanov, known as Lenin (1870–1924). It is an adaptation of Marxism that was carried out to establish the Soviet revolution. Basis in Marxism To understand what Leninism is, therefore, it is first essential to refer to Marxism, the doctrine of the […]

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