

Latest articles in History

Definition of historiology

Historiology is the theory of history, understanding history as the scientific discipline dedicated to the analysis and chronological narration of events that took place in the past. What historiology does is examine the rules and structure of historical reality. Explaining history Appealing to various techniques to explain the history of a person, it is necessary to […]

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Definition of Rococo

The term Rococo is used in the field of art to refer to a style. It is the Baroque style that was born in the 18th century in France, which is distinguished by its refined and exuberant decoration. Behind the name The beginnings of Rococo date back to around 1730. However, […]

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Definition of cot

A cot is a makeshift or temporary bed that can accommodate a single individual. The term has its etymological origin in the Portuguese language. General description Cots take up little space and are sometimes foldable. That is why they can be easily moved. Thus, it is common for cots to be used in camps. […]

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Definition of tinder

Tinder is a term that comes from the Latin esca, which translates as “food”. This is the name given to an element that is very dry and, due to this characteristic, can burn or ignite easily. Flammable material Therefore, tinder is known as the material prepared so that a spark can ignite it, generating fire. […]

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Definition of isolationism

Isolationism is the political doctrine that is based on not interfering or participating in external affairs. The term arose from the English word isolationism. Isolationism means staying away from foreign conflicts, without taking part in them. In this way, the country in question isolates itself. Isolationism in the United States It is common to see […]

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Definition of palafito

The Italian word palafitta came to Spanish as palafito. This is the name given to a dwelling built on poles or stakes in a flood zone, inside a lake or lagoon or even on a shore. On the water Palafitos are buildings whose pillars are above the water. […]

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Definition of harpoon

A harpoon is an item made up of a wooden stick and an iron tip at one end. Of prehistoric origin, harpoons are used for fishing or hunting. Manual or automatic Usually, the person takes the harpoon by the shaft and throws it towards the prey with force, in such a way that […]

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Definition of archaism

The Greek word archaïsmós came to Late Latin as archaismus. This is the closest etymological antecedent of archaism, a concept that refers to the condition of being archaic: antiquated or ancient. An archaism, therefore, is something that seems to belong to the past. It may be a consequence sought through imitation or through […]

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Definition of annexation

Annexation is the act and consequence of annexing. The verb annex, meanwhile, refers to attaching or joining one thing to another. Annexation of territories The idea of ​​annexation is often used in reference to a process through which a State incorporates, by force, a territory that was part of another State. […]

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Definition of reformism

Reformism is the position and doctrine that promotes a peaceful and gradual modification of a social, political or other situation. While reformism proposes a gradual transformation, a revolutionary movement seeks an abrupt and profound change. Phased reform What reformism seeks, therefore, is to introduce […]

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