

Latest articles in History

Definition of immolate

The verb to immolate comes from the Latin word immolāre. The first meaning mentioned by the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) in its dictionary refers to the sacrifice of a victim. To sacrifice or to sacrifice oneself To immolate, therefore, can mean to sacrifice someone or to give something as a tribute to a divinity. The term also refers to […]

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Definition of ghetto

The etymology of the term ghetto is directly associated with a historical fact. In 1516, the Jewish population living in the Republic of Venice was confined to Ghetto, a district of Cannaregio. The concept then became a common noun in the Italian language (ghetto) and came to our language as ghetto. Separated area […]

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Definition of Lutheranism

Lutheranism is the name given to the doctrine developed by the Catholic friar and theologian Martin Luther in the 16th century. It is a branch of Christianity that is part of the whole of Protestantism. Before moving forward with the idea of ​​Lutheranism, it is important to mention that Christianity is the religion that is based on the principles of the Church.

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Definition of Neoplatonism

Neoplatonism was a philosophical school that, influenced by Eastern movements, updated Platonic postulates. The rise of Neoplatonism occurred at the beginning of this era in the city of Alexandria. Before moving forward with Neoplatonism, it is important to mention that Platonism is the name given to the doctrine promoted by Plato’s disciples in […]

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Definition of codicology

Codicology is the scientific discipline dedicated to the analysis of codices. To understand what codicology is, therefore, we must first focus on codices. Codex A codex is a handwritten book that was created before the development of the printing press. The term comes from the Latin word codex. Study of the codex […]

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Definition of Panhellenism

Panhellenism is a movement that promotes the union of all Hellenic peoples. It is a movement that was born in Ancient Greece. Great Hellenic State The emergence of Panhellenism is located around the 5th century BC. At that time, several thinkers began to promote the creation of a State capable of […]

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Definition of halberd

Halberd is a term with a long etymological history. Its most distant origins are found in the Germanic word helmbart, which derived in the Middle High German helmbarte: this concept, in turn, is formed with helm (translatable as “hilt”) and barte (which translates as “axe”). Characteristics of the halberd Helmbarte derived in the French […]

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Definition of gunpowder

The concept of gunpowder comes from the Latin word pulvis. It is a mixture that can be made with different elements and that, when it reaches a certain temperature, ignites and releases multiple gases with violence. Explosive product Gunpowder, therefore, is an explosive product. Its original formula included carbon, sulfur and saltpeter, although […]

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Definition of scribe

The Latin word amanuensis came to Castilian as amanuensis. This is the name given to the individual who writes by hand what is dictated to him or what he copies from another writing. Reproduction of books by hand Also known as a copyist, the amanuensis was the person in charge of reproducing books by hand.

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Definition of Pan-Arabism

Pan-Arabism is the movement that promotes the unity of all Arab nations. It is a movement and an ideology that was born in the 1930s and grew greatly in the 1960s thanks to the Egyptian leader Gamal Abdel Nasser. Its foundations The basis of Pan-Arabism is nationalism […]

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