

Latest articles in History

Definition of saddlery

Saddlery is the art of making leather goods. The term is linked to the saddle belt, the belt used to carry a sabre or other type of bladed weapon. The individual dedicated to its manufacture is known as a saddler. Leather products Saddlery is therefore called […]

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Definition of historical process

Process is a concept with several meanings. In this case we will stick with its meaning as the series of successive stages of an operation or a phenomenon. Historical, meanwhile, is that which is linked to history: the set of social, political, cultural and economic events of a nation; the exposition and explanation of events of the past […]

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Definition of monarchism

Monarchism is the movement that aims at the defense or restoration of a monarchy. Monarchy is the form of government where the head of state is in the hands of a person (the king) who inherited power and can transmit it in the same way. Parliamentary monarchy Just as […]

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Definition of emporium

The etymology of emporium takes us to the Latin emporĭum, which in turn is derived from the Greek empórion. This word from the Hellenic language refers to a market that is established in a foreign territory. International trade site The first meaning of emporium mentioned in the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE), in this […]

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Definition of ordeal

An ordeal was a rite that, in the Middle Ages, was carried out with the aim of determining the innocence or guilt of an individual accused of something. Also known as the trial of God, it was an institution that, through the ritualized formula, made possible the divine invocation and the subsequent interpretation of the words.

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Definition of separatism

Separatism is the movement or ideology that promotes the separation of a region from the country or entity to which it belongs. Separatists usually seek independence for their land, although they may also seek separation from one state to join another. Objectives of separatism What separatism wants is to […]

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Definition of sharecropping

The first meaning of sharecropping that appears in the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) refers to the agreement established by those who share a farm. The idea of ​​farm, meanwhile, refers to the activity that is developed to achieve a profit or to the benefit itself that derives from a task or […]

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Definition of mechanization

Mechanization is the act and result of machining. The verb to mechanize, meanwhile, refers to using machines for the development of a process. Mechanical processing Mechanization, in this context, implies resorting to mechanical processing. To achieve this, machinery is used that generally increases the speed of operations and allows […]

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Definition of military

The etymology of castrense takes us to the Latin castrensis, which refers to something related to the army or the camp. This word, in turn, derives from castra (translatable as “camp”). From the army, therefore, castrense is linked to the military sphere. It is an adjective that can be used to describe something that belongs to […]

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Definition of factory

The notion of factory comes from the Latin word fabrilis. The term refers to that which is linked to a factory: a building that has the machines and resources necessary to produce or transform certain elements. Manufacturing activity Manufacturing, therefore, is associated with these establishments and the people who work in them. […]

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