

Latest articles in History

Definition of anticlericalism

Anticlericalism is the movement that opposes clericalism: that is, the exaggerated power of the clergy (the group of priests or clerics) in politics or even in the day-to-day life of the Church. Anticlericalism is also known as the animosity against everything linked to the clergy. Rejection by the clergy The […]

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Definition of partisan

The Royal Spanish Academy (RAE), in its dictionary, indicates that partisan is synonymous with guerrilla. The concept, therefore, refers to someone who is part of a guerrilla: a group of combatants who do not depend directly on an army and who are dedicated to confronting an enemy. Resistance groups Beyond this […]

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Definition of conflagration

Conflagration is a violent agitation of a nation or people. This is the most frequently used term. It is a word that originated from the Latin conflagratio. Outbreak of a conflict Conflagration implies the outbreak of a conflict. The concept is often associated with a war between […]

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Definition of huipil

Huipil is a piece of clothing that is characteristic of the indigenous clothing of various regions. It is a term that comes from the Nahuatl huipilli. It is also accepted as güipil and is referred to as hipil in some areas. Dress or blouse A huipil is a dress or blouse worn by women from indigenous peoples.

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Definition of ambulatory

Deambulatory refers to something linked to the act of wandering (walking aimlessly). This word, which belongs to the category of adjective, came to our language from the late Latin deambulatorium, which can be translated as “gallery”. Freedom of wandering Freedom of wandering is the right that a person has to leave the place where he is in order to […]

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Definition of midwife

A midwife is a person who has an official license to provide assistance to women during pregnancy and at the time of childbirth. The term comes from comadre. A degree is required. The concept often gives rise to confusion. It is important to mention that the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE), in its […]

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Definition of badil

The etymology of badil takes us to the Latin word batillum. The concept is used to refer to a metal paddle used to collect and move fire in homes, salamanders, fireplaces and other similar structures. Fire paddle A paddle is a tool that has a handle and a […]

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Definition of Te Deum

The term Te Deum comes from the Latin expression Te Deum, which translates as “to you, God.” This is how a Catholic hymn known as “Te Deum” begins. A liturgical hymn The Te Deum is therefore the liturgical hymn that Catholics sing in the context of thanksgiving. Today it is still used […]

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Definition of textile

Textile is a term that comes from the Latin word textĭlis. It is an adjective that refers to that which is linked to fabrics. General description A fabric, meanwhile, is a material that is made by weaving: that is, by interlacing threads (very fine threads or filaments). A textile material, in this context, can be woven […]

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Definition of regalism

Regalism is the system or scheme of regalists. A regalist, meanwhile, is someone who defends the royalties of the monarchy in the link between the State and the Church. Before moving forward with the concept, it is important to be clear about what royalties are. This is the name given to a prerogative that […]

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