

Latest articles in History

Definition of real manufactures

Royal manufactures were the industrial facilities that, within the framework of the Old Regime, the monarchs built. Also known as real factories, their development is linked to mercantilism (which is based on state intervention in the economy). Actual manufactures required significant capital investment. In the same building they brought together the different stages […]

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Definition of Brahmanism

Brahmanism is a religion that has Brahma as the supreme god. Originally from India, Brahmanism is considered a transition between Vedism and Hinduism. Brahma Brahma is the creative deity of the universe. He is one of the three supreme deities in the Hindu trimurti, along with Vishnu and Shiva, who represent […]

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Definition of doubloon

A doubloon is an ancient gold coin. Depending on the time, doubloons had different values. Before continuing, it is important to mention that the term doubloon is the augmentative of double. A double, in turn, was a medieval Castilian coin whose value and weight were variable. Two excellent The original doubloon […]

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Definition of anthropopithecus

The anthropopithecus is a hominid that lived in the Quaternary period, more precisely in the Pleistocene. This means that its existence is between two million and 10,000 years ago. A monkey-man The term is formed with the prefix anthropo- (which refers to "man") and an ending from the Greek word píthēkos (translatable […]

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Definition of trilobite

A trilobite is an extinct animal. The name comes from a scientific Latin word that refers to the existence of "three lobes." Arthropod animal Trilobites are arthropods: that is, invertebrates whose body has bilateral symmetry, is composed of line segments and is protected by a cuticle. Furthermore, arthropods […]

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Definition of divinity

Divinity is the essence and nature of God. This is only the first meaning that appears in the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) for this notion that comes from the Latin word divinĭtas. Own of God Divinity is that of God, the supreme being recognized by various monotheistic religions. […]

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Definition of catacombs

The catacombs are underground tunnels that the first Christians used for the burial of the deceased and the development of their ceremonies. The term, which is used in the plural, comes from the late Latin word catacumbae. Primitive cemeteries It can be said that the catacombs were the cemeteries that the early Christians and also the Hebrews developed […]

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Definition of muleteer

A muleteer is an individual who is in charge of herding pack animals. This is someone dedicated to the transfer of goods using animal traction. Regional differences In Spain, the muleteer is also known as trajinero, mulero, carter or acemilero. The muleteers drive or guide a train: that is, a […]

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Definition of flint

The concept of flint, which comes from the Latin language, refers to flint: a type of quartz that, when struck, generates sparks. Its main component is silica or silicon oxide. General characteristics It is a sedimentary rock that is formed through a diagenesis process. The flint has translucent edges […]

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Definition of shuriken

Shuriken is a Japanese word that refers to a knife that is thrown as a projectile. The term is not part of the dictionary developed by the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE). Ninja star The best known shuriken is shaped like a star. Because this weapon is often linked to ninja, […]

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