

Latest articles in Geography

Definition of social geography

Social geography is responsible for studying social problems and focusing on the link between community and territory. In this discipline that is linked to human geography, geographical factors are taken into account in constant interaction with the members of each society. Furthermore, attention is focused on processes and phenomena […]

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Definition of urban geography

Urban geography is the discipline dedicated to the analysis of the organization and functioning of cities. Its object of study is urban space, examining issues linked to its location, distribution and territorial development. This area of ​​knowledge observes the various stages of the urban revolution, a name given to it […]

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Definition of cultural geography

Cultural geography is a geographical branch that analyzes the impact of human cultural activities on the territory. This discipline studies how an environment is modified by the settlement or displacement of a community. It can be said that cultural geography examines the effects that actions and products have […]

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Definition of internal migration

Internal migration is a phenomenon that is characterized by a human displacement carried out by those who pursue the intention of locating, permanently or temporarily, in a territory different from that of the point of origin but without moving country, that is, without going beyond the borders. This is a common reality that […]

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Definition of cultural region

Cultural region is an expression typical of disciplines such as geography and anthropology that identifies a portion or area where people who share a culture gather. The elements that give these areas their own identity revolve around ethnic, linguistic issues, linked to faith or traditions. […]

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Definition of rural population

Rural population is that community settled outside urban areas. These towns are not in the cities but in the countryside, dedicating themselves to tasks mostly linked to the agricultural field. Agriculture, fishing and livestock are part of the main sources of rural employment. The reality of rural communities, which abound […]

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Definition of Greenwich Meridian

Meridian is a concept that comes from the Latin word meridiānus, which in turn derives from meridies. The term can be used as an adjective or as a noun: in the first case, it qualifies that which is linked to midday or that which is very bright or clear. However, it is more frequently used as a noun. So […]

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Definition of Bering Strait

The term narrow has its etymological origin in the Latin word strictus. This concept has several uses: in the field of geography, this is the name given to the narrow passage that is located between two pieces of land and through which the communication of two seas is possible. In the case of the Bering Strait, […]

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Definition of Mediterranean forest

A forest is a space that has an abundant amount of bushes and trees. The term has an uncertain etymological origin, according to what is indicated by the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) in its dictionary. Mediterranean, meanwhile, is an adjective that refers to that linked to the Mediterranean Sea and the areas surrounding […]

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Definition of continental region

The concept of region, which comes from the Latin word royal, refers to the fragment of a territory that is differentiated from the rest by geographical, climatic, political, administrative or other characteristics. A region, in turn, can fragment into other smaller entities. Continental, on the other hand, refers to that linked to a continent. The continents […]

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