

Latest articles in Entertainment

Definition of stalls

The stalls are the section of a theatre or stadium that is intended for spectators. The stalls are made up of the space in question together with the seats so that each person can enjoy the show seated. For example: «The stalls for Argentina's next match will cost five hundred euros.»

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Definition of piñata

A piñata is a container that contains toys and sweets and is broken during a celebration so that the guests can take its contents. The term comes from the Italian word pignatta. The piñata usually has a cardboard structure, decorated with papier-mâché and various ornaments. It can also be a […]

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Definition of clown

Clown is a notion that comes from the Italian language and can be used as a noun or adjective. In the first case, a clown is a type of artist who seeks to entertain the public with certain humorous routines and through makeup and costumes with unusual characteristics. For example: «Clowns and […]

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Definition of walk

Paseo is a term linked to strolling, a verb that refers to taking a route for leisure and entertainment purposes. A stroll, therefore, can be said route or circuit that is traveled. For example: “Next week we are going for a walk to the mountains”, “Yesterday I didn’t call you because I went for a walk […]

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Definition of hobby

A hobby is an activity that a person does to keep himself entertained for a while. In this way, a hobby serves to combat boredom and to keep the mind focused on something pleasurable. For example: “Playing tennis is my favorite hobby”, “When I was little, I started collecting stamps as a hobby”, “I […]

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Definition of paranormal

Paranormal is an adjective used to describe an event that cannot be explained by science. The discipline that analyzes these phenomena is called parapsychology. Paranormal events cannot be explained by theories of biology, medicine or physics. Therefore, they are considered to be […]

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Definition of otaku

Otaku is a concept of the Japanese language that is not part of the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE). In Japan, an otaku is someone who feels fascination or attraction for a certain subject. Transcending what happens within this Asian nation, the notion of otaku is used to name the […]

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Definition of VIP

VIP is an acronym that comes from the English language and refers to Very Important Person. This concept is included as vip in the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE). A VIP person or vip, therefore, is someone who, because they are considered socially relevant, receives special treatment […]

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Definition of soundtrack

A soundtrack is the strip of a film where the sound is recorded. The concept is often linked to the music of a film or a video game. Before moving forward, it is important to determine the etymological origin of the two words that give shape to the concept: band, which seems to emanate from the sound of a film.

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Definition of deck

A deck is a group of cards or playing cards that is used to develop various games or pastimes. A card or playing card, on the other hand, is a generally rectangular cardboard that has a uniform illustration on one side and a certain figure with a number printed on the other. […]

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